
Ali Bon Tempi

Active Member
What are people's thoughts as a holiday destination? Was thinking og going towards the end of the year (Oct / Nov) for 5/6 days??
I would avoid all the arab states at the moment. the political situation is totally explosive across the whole middle east. according to today's reports, syria could well be next... and then who knows?
Dubai is more of a rich person's playground, is it not? Well, except for the people who actually erect the buildings and stuff... but it sounds like they're kept in camps out of sight anyway. :rolleyes:
yeah, but it doesn't exist in a cocoon - what's happening at the moment is surely inevitably going to have an effect on trade, confidence, and maybe the political situation there too. and the first thing to get hit is the tourism market. Absolutely nothing can be taken for granted at the moment, esp as the Saudis have already started interfering in their neighbours' affairs. Proof they are very worried indeed.
yeah, but it doesn't exist in a cocoon - what's happening at the moment is surely inevitably going to have an effect on trade, confidence, and maybe the political situation there too. and the first thing to get hit is the tourism market. Absolutely nothing can be taken for granted at the moment, esp as the Saudis have already started interfering in their neighbours' affairs. Proof they are very worried indeed.

Imagine ten years down the line and the Saudi leaders have been over thrown, democracy of sorts exists and someone not friendly to the US buddies up with China?

Scenario for WW3 :eek:
I have been working in the Middle East, and Central Asia for about 7 years, been to Dubai over 20 times. Rich Mans playground is an understatement. I would never go there again if I could avoid it. Should it be seen? Yes it is a city like no other. The city has more than tripled in size in the last 5 years, too bad it is largely empty. The Palm is a ghost town with unfinished buildings slowly being reclaimed by the desert. Construction on the "World" islands has halted and I doubt if the project will ever be finished. Most of the hotels I have stayed in are cheap shoddy construction. You are in an Arab country and while they want you to come and spend your money, You must be aware that you are not completely welcome. I would wait to visit Dubai The current unrest in that region is reason enough to take your Holiday somwhere safer...
I have been working in the Middle East, and Central Asia for about 7 years, been to Dubai over 20 times. Rich Mans playground is an understatement. I would never go there again if I could avoid it. Should it be seen? Yes it is a city like no other. The city has more than tripled in size in the last 5 years, too bad it is largely empty. The Palm is a ghost town with unfinished buildings slowly being reclaimed by the desert. Construction on the "World" islands has halted and I doubt if the project will ever be finished. Most of the hotels I have stayed in are cheap shoddy construction. You are in an Arab country and while they want you to come and spend your money, You must be aware that you are not completely welcome. I would wait to visit Dubai The current unrest in that region is reason enough to take your Holiday somwhere safer...

I'm in the same boat as this cat. I've been more then I can count, it's cool if you want to go ball your ass off. If you don't have deep coffers and want to live the luxury life, pass it up. Best place for a middle east holiday is probably Oman, more authenticity and minus the golden facade.

If you go to Dubai, stay in Jumerah. I recommended the Westin.
Uzbekistan, and Afghanistan.... I by far would rather be back in Uzbekistan.... But Alas that is no longer possible..
Uzbekistan, and Afghanistan.... I by far would rather be back in Uzbekistan.... But Alas that is no longer possible..
Interesting. Were you doing supply chain?

Did you get over to Bukhara? Fascinating city. Much more so than Tashkent or Samarkand (aside from the latter's Registan, of course).

I worked in Almaty for a few years.
I spent quite a bit of time in Tashkent, and Karshi back in the Uzbek days.... Now mostly Afghanistan Kabul,Kandahar ect.... I miss the more "Modern" Tashkent scene..... more uptight and controlled here in Afghanistan....