Dub reggae


Active Member
Possibly the wrong forum to be asking this question (:lol:) but does anyone know any decent artists to check out for dub reggae?

It's a genre I know little about and fancy exploring. The more tripped out and messed up the better.

Thanks (?)
King Tubby (definitely)
Lee Scratch Perry
Augustus Pablo

A good introduction would be to get some Trojan box sets:


I'm not an expert, but it's a genre I dabble in occasionally. (Obviously goes well with a beer and a 'jazz cigarette'. :lol:) Much prefer it to reggae reggae (e.g. Bob Marley and the like).

Have you heard Primal Scream's 'Vanishing Point'? That's an awesome album with a big dub influence.
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Janet Kay - Silly games particularly the last three minutes of will be right down your street as well I feel

Used to break it out on the island every now and then... 8)8)8)8)

Also as an aside did you know Screen II - Hey Mr DJ goes all dub stylee after about 7 mins in!!!


boss tune - there was some great stuff on cleveland city 8)

*can't help on dub reggae - sorry, a very weak area for me