Drum n' Bass


New Member
One of my friends who is coming w/ me to Spain is a DnB head......do any clubs in Ibiza play Jungle or DnB??

Not my favo, but he loves it.

Laurent Garnier played three D´n´B tracks at Carl Cox on Tuesday. Wasn´t there but a mate loved it said everyone else left the room!
I've not noticed a lot of DnB in ibiza

it's a funny genre - very popular in smaller towns - it's huge here in Oxford, whilst the house scene is pretty small :? (and techno is non-existant)

also what's that all about with only 1 hr sets from most DJs - how can you build a proper set in that time :?

Sorry, I'm hijacking this thread with my own DnB queries - my housemate loves it, but I just don't get it
zarbtron said:
Sorry, I'm hijacking this thread with my own DnB queries - my housemate loves it, but I just don't get it
I don't get it either... seems like I remember some early DnB in the early 90s that was mid-tempo and halfway interesting listening (though hard as hell to dance to!).

By contrast, I ended up by chance at a DnB event here a couple years ago and nearly burst an eardrum it was so loud. The place was full of 16 yr olds bouncing up and down to the super-accelerated beat... quite frightening, really! Totally different style than what I expected...
as in all sorts of dance music there are a thousand variations of dnb. The last time I went to a drum and bass night was ages ago, but I believe that together with the fast, dark and dirty, there's still a slower, atmospheric and chilled side of it. Maybe it was just the wrong night...
Absolutely right pilchard...for the more soulful side of dn'b check out anything on Hospital Records or the likes of High Contrast, LTJ Bukem and Cyantific just to name a few.
pilchard said:
as in all sorts of dance music there are a thousand variations of dnb. The last time I went to a drum and bass night was ages ago, but I believe that together with the fast, dark and dirty, there's still a slower, atmospheric and chilled side of it. Maybe it was just the wrong night...

liquid is one form that's quite nice - I can't remember what the dark, heavy and dirty stuff is called, which often has MCs over the top.

Morbs- you're right, it is hard to dance to. I get bored after a while with DnB
Like someone said, the variations are endless. Nice melodic Drum & Bass can be chilled and relaxing, yet there is some stuff that makes you dance like an absolute twat. It's my personal favourite genre, it's alot harder to do in my opinion but when it is done right, it's goooood. It's the hardest and closest you can be to absolutely losing it and I think is just so much more powerful than other genres. I could really go into like how emotive it is but I've already embarassed myself. Also Drum & Bass is changing, the perspective of some stupidly fast repetitive beat with a spotty 16 year old shouting over the top of it is long gone. It's now made by computer geeks.
zarbtron said:
I can't remember what the dark, heavy and dirty stuff is called, which often has MCs over the top.

I think you're talking about jump-up/clownstep/wobble wobble...dnb is just as diverse as house and has just as many pointless names!

I'm a huge fan of deeper and more soulful dnb and would love to see more dnb in ibiza.

A huge must for anyone is marky at carl cox's night, the man plays accross all styles of dnb and is a wicked turntablist

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-XRijzmt7I&search=dj marky
mark_B said:
A huge must for anyone is marky at carl cox's night, the man plays accross all styles of dnb and is a wicked turntablist

took me a while to "get" Marky (he's brazilian, no??)

Bukem's logical progressions CDs are a constant at home 8) 8)
i'm not a fan of d & b, a friend of mine used to dj and loved it... so i'd go see him... it does grow on you, but when he stopped playing i stoppped going.

I do however like andy C... I even bought 'nightlife' which came out a few years ago.. and love to play it and put the volume on full in my car and do a bit of thrashing in the car :lol:
I LOVE D&B... it's also my favourite style of music. I know what you mean about the emotions attached to it Super Polack but like you said I know I'll just get scorned byt the house-heads on the board so there's no point ;)
All I can say is some of the best times of my life have been at D&B raves, and I've had the biggest rushes EVER without even having a drink, let alone anything else. It's the one type of music guaranteed to always bring a smile to my face.

I guess some people get it, some people don't. When I hear D&B I hear so many different things from the tune, whereas other people only hear BOOM, BOOM-BOOM, BOOM! repeating over and over again.

Like people have said, I sometimes listen to D&B to chill out, relax, and other times to get my hyped up for the night.

Unfortunately I've lost contact with most of my old raving buddies, I'm desperate to go to Ministry for one of their nights on Friday though, they look wicked! :D
Beckiboo said:
I LOVE D&B... it's also my favourite style of music. I know what you mean about the emotions attached to it Super Polack but like you said I know I'll just get scorned byt the house-heads on the board so there's no point ;)
All I can say is some of the best times of my life have been at D&B raves, and I've had the biggest rushes EVER without even having a drink, let alone anything else. It's the one type of music guaranteed to always bring a smile to my face.

I guess some people get it, some people don't. When I hear D&B I hear so many different things from the tune, whereas other people only hear BOOM, BOOM-BOOM, BOOM! repeating over and over again.

Like people have said, I sometimes listen to D&B to chill out, relax, and other times to get my hyped up for the night.

Unfortunately I've lost contact with most of my old raving buddies, I'm desperate to go to Ministry for one of their nights on Friday though, they look wicked! :D
becki, this is what my friend used to say about d nb... people just don't get it :)

he also used to say that you have to be intelligent to get it ;) i've tried to like it.. and have to admit when you have a big group of people going mental.. all you need is a bottle of water... I don't mind it but when the bass gets going its good. unfortunately the d n b events around here top out at about age 14 :?