Drugs talk at school


Active Member
I usually teach primary / elementary school, but since i've been back from my trip I've been doing supply high school teaching (kids are 16/17).

Now I remember (vaguely) having drugs talk at school and it was basically the "Drugs are bad never do it!" kind of talks.

Yesterday, we had a police officer come in and I have to say, I was surprised at the information he gave the kids.

Basically, he came in... asked the kids if they had ever been drunk or high ( 100% raised their hands!)

Then he told them that prescription drugs, like Tylenol (Acetaminophen), incorrect use of birth control pills and most other prescription drugs are worse for their bodies than weed and other illegal drugs. His presentation was mainly about how bad prescription drugs can be for your body.

Then he told them that he knows they drunk and experimnent, and the most important thing they can do is make sure they take care of their friends on a night out e.g if they see someone passed out, make sure they're ok and never hesitate to call an ambulance if they think they've overdone it!

The only thing I was concerned about was that these kids live in an area with A LOT of substance abuse problems and a few have been in trouble with the law already. But, unlike other classes, the kids acutally paid attention and listened to him.

I have to say, I was surprised! I never got a talk like that when I was at school.

Are things changing? Who knows? I think it's much more sensible to give a talk like this to teenagers than the few lessons I had when I was at school.
I think that is the way forward. The just say no method, just leads to pregnant, drug addled, drunk or dead young people. Here in the USA more kids are over dosing on parents prescription drugs than street drugs. I think it is time people pulled there head out of the sand and be more sensible about what teens do.
I usually teach primary / elementary school, but since i've been back from my trip I've been doing supply high school teaching (kids are 16/17).

Now I remember (vaguely) having drugs talk at school and it was basically the "Drugs are bad never do it!" kind of talks.

Yesterday, we had a police officer come in and I have to say, I was surprised at the information he gave the kids.

Basically, he came in... asked the kids if they had ever been drunk or high ( 100% raised their hands!)

Then he told them that prescription drugs, like Tylenol (Acetaminophen), incorrect use of birth control pills and most other prescription drugs are worse for their bodies than weed and other illegal drugs. His presentation was mainly about how bad prescription drugs can be for your body.

Then he told them that he knows they drunk and experimnent, and the most important thing they can do is make sure they take care of their friends on a night out e.g if they see someone passed out, make sure they're ok and never hesitate to call an ambulance if they think they've overdone it!

The only thing I was concerned about was that these kids live in an area with A LOT of substance abuse problems and a few have been in trouble with the law already. But, unlike other classes, the kids acutally paid attention and listened to him.

I have to say, I was surprised! I never got a talk like that when I was at school.

Are things changing? Who knows? I think it's much more sensible to give a talk like this to teenagers than the few lessons I had when I was at school.

Did you chip in with your take on "just saying no :lol::lol::lol::lol:" :D