Drug decision-making PhD research questionnaire- only takes 15 minutes (UK residents only)


New Member
My name is Lucy and I am a PhD student at the Public Health Institute at Liverpool John Moores University. I am currently looking for participants to complete my online questionnaire: ‘Understanding the importance of different factors associated with drug use decision-making’. The questionnaire includes a couple of demographic questions and questions relating to which features of drugs influence decisions to use. Additionally, the study will ask you to choose hypothetical products in order to establish the importance of drug attributes.

Participants must be aged between 18 and 35, must have used any drug recreationally in the past five years to be eligible to take part in the study and must be UK residents only. The study is completely confidential, voluntary and anonymous. The questionnaire will only take 15 minutes and is easy to complete.

Full ethical approval has been approved from the LJMU research ethics committee.

To complete the survey please click the link below:

If you have any further questions please email me at: L.A.Wallis@2015.ljmu.ac.uk or if you wish to find out more about the study please visit the site: http://wallisphd.weebly.com/

Moderators: if this is not the right place to post this questionnaire please let me know, thank you.

Your participation will be very much appreciated.
Thank you,