Driving to Ibiza


New Member
Just thought id put up a short post here to ask if anyone fancies a once in a lifetime road trip to IBIZA!

Cost is minimal for a drive and would include ferries from Dover to France and Barcelona to Ibiza.

The route is through the centre(ish) country side of France with a stop over, followed by driving past Andorra through the mountains, down into Spain and to the beautiful city of Barcelona, where some time will be spent to refresh / have a drink and then board the ferry to IBIZA!

It's a once in a lifetime thing! The car is a Seat Leon FR with 5 seats, reasonably quick, comfy and music will be playing all the time. Plus you can bring whatever luggage you like without worrying about weight etc!

I did have a friend lined up for a spot but now he's doubtful so I'm more than happy to share with a like minded person / people.

It's pretty spur of the moment as I would prefer to sail this weekend from Dover - Saturday or early Sunday morning. That means it's probably more suitable for people in the Kent, Sussex or south east area although if anyone can make it down from other places please also respond.

I'm a very easy going person with a passion for Ibiza so I look forward to any feedback and sharing an awesome experience! :)

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** Quick Note **

If anyone is around the south east area today / tomorrow early morning I plan to 'set sail' around this time and get to Ibiza Sunday night / Monday early morning.

If you're interested or want to know more about the trip (or me :), please get involved and message / reply for more info and cost.

Cheers again,
** Quick Note **

If anyone is around the south east area today / tomorrow early morning I plan to 'set sail' around this time and get to Ibiza Sunday night / Monday early morning.

If you're interested or want to know more about the trip (or me :), please get involved and message / reply for more info and cost.

Cheers again,

Ello mate I'm 1 hr south of France booked on the Monday night ferry to barca,

In a white transit with blue stripes

Give me a text if you get stuck / broke down 07769707601 I might be near
