Downloading music... i KNOW all of u go out and support the artists and "buy" their cd's, but hypothetically, lets say u were to dl some music ;)...heh...what program do u all use to do it..."hypothetically" i use soulseek...and ive "hypothetically" tried some others too, but soulseek is the best out there methinks. Although i RARELY encounter the dl speeds of 100k/s or upwards that i used to encounter when i "hypothetically" used audiogalaxy satellite.
soulseek, ive not found another program which works better for hard to find music. i hope it doesnt get too big though and they get shut down, would be a travesty to audio criminals like ourselves. and anyway, file sharing is helping bring music forward, can you honestly say your tastes were as varied as they are now before you got into downloading mp3's? instead of having to choose 1 or 2 cds to spend your hard earned on, which usually is the same genre you always listen to for saftey reasons, and then the fear that it might be PISH, you can try different songs, different albums, different genres. im getting into so much music before its on the radio now, expanding my tastes. i think its gonna come to a point where we probably will be paying for tracks, but until that day comes, happy downloading days :D
I agree, since I started downloading illegally, I have spent significantly more on cd's and clubbing, often to dj's/producers I had never previously heard of
ive tried them all and soulsekk is the king by a country mile!!! especially for house/trance etc

remember the audiogalaxy days! that program will never be beaten it was immense!! pity i never had broadband in they days tho :(