Dose anyone have any pistures of villa mercedes?


Active Member
Dose anyone have any pistures of :arrow: villa mercedes

I want to Email one to some friends as it is one of our destinations for 2004.

Thanks ;)
· during the day:



· at night:


San An (but don't let that put you off),
By where the buses drop off and pick up for Ibiza town.

The food is fantastic and the staff were so friendly but still professional.
It's one of the more pricie restaurants for San An but is well worth it for a treat (and it’s cheaper then Bam Buddha)

It looks like it is a converted 2-story villa with a few tables inside and lots of outside seating (unusual for Ibiza :D )

It’s a bit of class and if you want to go for a private romantic meal you aren’t going to be disappointed.

We went there 2 times last year and plan to go back several more times.

10/10 for me :!: