'doing a season' - how much clubbing is possible / realistic?


Active Member
I'm aged 28 and have been going to Beefa for 4 years, love it. Hypothetically, if I went with say £1000 start-up capital, on my own, to do a season, how much clubbing would I have the time / money to do? Assume I can't speak Spanish & don't want to do any really manky jobs!
You cant be too picky about work in Ibiza. Most of your £1k will go on a deposit and the first months rent. If youve been to Ibiza 4 times you will undoubtably know how quickly money seems to spend itself out there. It is for that reason that work becomes available as people burn out too quick both from spending and clubbing too much, levaing jobs open all season through (apperently). So basically until you get settled and money starts coming in dont go too mad unless you have back up funds!!!!!8)

drop us an email or msn me on mbruce83@hotmail.co.uk
If you played your cards mate and were dedicated thenyou could go clubbing every night of the summer! I worked out there for the summer last year, went with £800 and got a job working for one of the big club nights. This meant I got all my passes for the clubs (or glist) and finished work in time to go to a club after work. I even had two days off a week which allowed for big sessions. (most jobs with club nights give you at least one day off).

I think I stayed in less than 10 times the whole season, granted I nearly died :lol: but I was loving every minute of it so it wasn't a chore!

If you've got the stamina and you get out there at a decent time (end of May really) to get to the interviews, and u get the job then you're sorted. The only jobs where you really don't get time to do much clubbing IMO are bar/restaraunt jobs and all the west end bar jobs, steer clear if clubbing is your priority!

Another tip (though you prob don't need me to tell you this): Make friends with people, as well as generally increasing the amount of fun you have on the island, also means saving money on club tix through glists etc! It helps if you work for someone THEY want to be on the glist for too...

DO IT!!!
If you played your cards mate and were dedicated thenyou could go clubbing every night of the summer! I worked out there for the summer last year, went with £800 and got a job working for one of the big club nights. This meant I got all my passes for the clubs (or glist) and finished work in time to go to a club after work. I even had two days off a week which allowed for big sessions. (most jobs with club nights give you at least one day off).

I think I stayed in less than 10 times the whole season, granted I nearly died :lol: but I was loving every minute of it so it wasn't a chore!

If you've got the stamina and you get out there at a decent time (end of May really) to get to the interviews, and u get the job then you're sorted. The only jobs where you really don't get time to do much clubbing IMO are bar/restaraunt jobs and all the west end bar jobs, steer clear if clubbing is your priority!

Another tip (though you prob don't need me to tell you this): Make friends with people, as well as generally increasing the amount of fun you have on the island, also means saving money on club tix through glists etc! It helps if you work for someone THEY want to be on the glist for too...

DO IT!!!

What club did you work for mate? and what were you doing?I think I'm taking about 1400-1500 with me as it stands.
OK so club nights look like the way forward, how do you get to work for them & what sort of jobs go?
OK so club nights look like the way forward, how do you get to work for them & what sort of jobs go?

For club night promotions jobs all the interviews run from around the last week in May until 1st week of June, some even later. Keep your eye on posters in the ship and all around bars in the west end. Ask about with other workers too as sometimes those posters get ripped down by 'ambitious' applicants. Most ask for a CV and a good knowledge of the particular club night during the interview. Apart from that they're just after confident, gregarious people who don't look like they're gonna sack the job off to party in the 1st week!

The jobs basically entail promoting the night in question, by chatting to people on beaches/streets and maybe passing them flyers in a subtle fashion (new laws mean flyering is a no no). The top club nights don't ask you to sell tickets on the street, just point clubbers to a sales outlet. If you like talking to people and dont mind approaching strangers then you'll have no problems.

All the interviews for the 'decent' jobs (best pay, good hours, good benefits ie. passes) were attended by tons of people, so my advice is do your research on the night you're applying to work for, and dress well!
What club did you work for mate? and what were you doing?I think I'm taking about 1400-1500 with me as it stands.

I worked for manumission, it was split shifts - promoting on the beaches during the day and the streets during the night. They looked after us well there with regards to passes etc.

With 1500 i'd say you had a good start, just go easy on the spending until you've secured a job! Lots of people had a wicked few weeks at the start while the rest of us job hunted, then they had to go home!
I worked for manumission, it was split shifts - promoting on the beaches during the day and the streets during the night. They looked after us well there with regards to passes etc.

With 1500 i'd say you had a good start, just go easy on the spending until you've secured a job! Lots of people had a wicked few weeks at the start while the rest of us job hunted, then they had to go home!

Absolutely sterling advice in your 2 posts above mate! Exactly what I was looking for and made my mind up in what I'm going to be pushing for when I get there.Much appreciated.
the only thing to add to what benji has said is that PRs for manumission have always and are likely to always be at the top of the tree amongst PRs.

my wife was a PR manager in 1996 and she told about PRs earning £400 a week plus all the benefits benji has described. when i worked out there 99-01, it was the same again........mish PRs always do pretty well. fair play.
Absolutely sterling advice in your 2 posts above mate! Exactly what I was looking for and made my mind up in what I'm going to be pushing for when I get there.Much appreciated.

no worries mate good luck! i'm heading out again for the summer at the end of this month so feel free to shout me on my email if you have any more questions and i'll see you for a beer in San An 8)