Dog Poo on the streets


Active Member
Since being here I find the attitude of many dog owners quite amazing. Once away from the main thoroughfares in the centre of Santa Eulalia the walkways are littered with dog poo. One might be excused for thinking stray dogs are responsible for the mess but this clearly isn't the case. I could photograph several incidents per day where dog owners casually wait for their dog to do his/ her business on the pavement and walk away without a hint of guilt!

What are the laws/ fines for letting a dog foul the pavement in Ibiza?
I read that in the Ibiza Sun, wish they'd get round to Es Canar with their fines and sort out the amount of dog poo on the streets here... you can't go anywhere without having to watch where you put your feet.....

However, also noticed a LOT of dogs just wandering the streets here too, most with collars (that I know belong to people) that are just mooching about!!! So I don't suppose you can stop it poo'ing in the street if you're not with it... but then again, why's your dog wandering about without you anyway? Grrrrr..... lol ;S
could be a gold mine for a dog poo warden paid on a commission basis in Santa Eulalia.

hmmm, maybe that's what I should do for a career change during my current mid life crisis
could be a gold mine for a dog poo warden paid on a commission basis in Santa Eulalia.

hmmm, maybe that's what I should do for a career change during my current mid life crisis

What a great idea...., being able to sell the evidence as garden fertilizer would be a hidden perk of the job too:lol:
i am just bursting with fascinating biz ideas for my new life in Ibiza (if it happens), although the dog poo/garden fertilizer isn't tops... I once spent a weekend researching machines that would make artificial logs from the sea grass that gets blown up on shore all over the island. Had a full proof biz plan until late on the sunday I discovered that the silicone structure of seagrass makes it frikkin fireproof, logs that don't burn arn't going to sell well.


If anyone hears of a little beach bar that's up for offer, that would do me, and get me over the biggest obstacle, Mrs rewdan whom would like one of those kinda like the two on the sand at cala llonga
Do you still get mierda blanca del perro en la isla blanca?

Not seen it here since I were a lad.
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^ ^
The white stuff...I've always put it down to the mutts not eating as many bones as they used to, I'm preparing a thesis on this at the moment.
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Do you still get mierda blanca del perro en la isla blanca?

Not seen it here since I were a lad.

Erm, not here in Es Cana, it's all brown poo!!! Not seen any white (sadly, cos the white is the petrified stuff that doesn't get all over your shoes if you accidentally tread in it!!!)..... Mind, the size of some of it is unreal, I'm sure some people are keeping donkeys in place of dogs!!!