does anyone know if there are any bagpipers in Ibiza


Active Member

Heading out on the 28th (straight to the kaisers at Bar M) oh and if you have spare tickets for the arctics PM me HA HS (bloody uk e bay touts are now hitting Ibiza)

But real reason in Ibiza is to plan wedding for next July, villa's etc

Does anyone know if there are any bagpipers on the island?

I know weird request from Scotland!!


Heading out on the 28th (straight to the kaisers at Bar M) oh and if you have spare tickets for the arctics PM me HA HS (bloody uk e bay touts are now hitting Ibiza)

But real reason in Ibiza is to plan wedding for next July, villa's etc

Does anyone know if there are any bagpipers on the island?

I know weird request from Scotland!!


If you fly me over I can play for you (11 months should be enough time to learn, no? :? ) Seriously, I am sure that with all the wedding planners over there you will find someone- I believe there are several threads dedicated to weddings/etc.)
Congratulations on the engagement, and best of luck to both of you!