Does anyone else get ill?


New Member
Just been to Ibiza for my fifth visit, whilst there I came down with a stinking cold and the girlfriend also developed it on the last day. Trouble is, the last time I was there (two years ago) I also came down with a stinking cold as well :cry:. I also remember being a bit ropey on one of my previous visits (hangovers aside) 8)

Anyone else get this problem?
this is the first year I have had not illness whatsoever and it's also the first year where I've not spend a few hours in the hotel pool. I saw a program that said most hotels fail to disinfect their pools properly, if at all.

A lot of people say that eating well and sleeping is the key but every year I've been I have had loads to eat and more than enough sleep.

Avoid the pool!!!
... hotel pool. I saw a program that said most hotels fail to disinfect their pools properly, if at all...Avoid the pool!!!

... and avoid bathing close to sewage leaks :twisted: :idea: :twisted:

Sewage leak In Cala Des Moro, Sant Antoni.

The break down of the sewage collection system serving the hotels in the Cala des Moro area of Sant Antoni led to the build up of sewage & waste water draining off ...
Hehe, guess where I stayed! Costa Mar Studios at Cala des Moro... No wonder the water tasted like, er, well, guess!
luckily i wasn't ill either...maybe cause i limited the use of the air-con, that can circulate all manner of crap around a building...
Last two trips abroad, Ibiza and Majorca, I've come home and got a stinking cold virtually within a day. Not sure whether this is struggling to re-acclimatise, or from catching something from the air-con on the plane :?
I went with a cold in May but came home ok. I normally get a cold when home but normally but it down to the british weather. I do spend loads of time in the pool mind. It makes you think.

You all should thank your lucky star's that a cold is all you got, as on my last holiday to Ibiza '86 i spent near'ly the whole time on the toilet:oops: suffering from spanish two step & believe me that if you've never suffered from that then you don't want too;)

The girls all got something (Ibiza flu?) while we were out there - proper full on cold, sniffles, coughing and bad throat.

I got a bit of it when I got back.

I wasn't allowed the air con on all the time so it couldn't have been that.

Amazes me that its not cold and you can get ill - not fair!

L x
My point is that it doesn't happen all the time, only sometimes.

Also maybe that people are less ill in summer months and in the sun so its a bit wierd to get a proper full on cold out on hols!


L x
The last twice I have been there (June this year and Sept last year) I have been ill :?

June this year was just a cold, but I was coming down with it before I got to Ibiza, it just hit me when I got there :(

But Sept last year, I was proper ill!!!! I had full on flu, shivers, hot sweats, sore throat, completely bunged up, headaches, bodyaches.......for about a week, it was awful. Thank god I was there for 2 weeks so I could make up for it towards the end of the holiday! The extra curriculars worked as a flu tablet and nothing else!!! 8O I still went clubbing on a few nights but felt too ill to drink or dance :cry:

Fingers crossed that Im not ill when we go in Sept :roll:
i got two days left in ibiza and the last 3 days i came down with the sickness. Body aches. mucas, cold sweat. head ache. dizzyness. everything you can imagine i got it. I took multiviatmins, and OJ and as of right now I still have the latter part of my cold. Im debating if i should go to cream tonight. I may just do it because i missed We love Space and Meganite this week so that I can stay in and recooprate.

Ya i think im going to cream tonight. Why not....