Do your friends even bother asking where you are going on holiday any more?


Active Member
Mine don't, and I've become a bit of a running joke. :) When the topic of holidays comes up, I only have to smile and they know where I'm going.

Ibiza is strange in that it grabs some people and not others. Not one of my mates have been to Ibiza more than once, and here's me on my 16th trip in September. :twisted:
Mine do, then roll their eyes when I give them the answer. Well, the ones who don't come to Ibiza with me anyway!

They often ask, "Aren't you bored of Ibiza yet?"

I am starting to get embarrassed telling people about Ibiza all the time as it always goes down the path of "Ibiza isn't just about the clubs". More so I guess as I am taking the kids this time so the holiday itself will be a very different experience to my past adventures.
Mine do, but I do like to travel elsewhere as well. The most annoying part is how ill-informed they are about it and they like to make judgements when they have absolutely no idea. At all.

This is what I find amusing.... if I meet someone and they tell me they really like... (something I know nothing about) fencing, for example, I'm not going to spout off and have some opinion about it. However, most people I know, seem to have an opinion and think they know exactly what Ibiza is about. This happened about a month ago when a friend of a friend told me he was very well versed in "techno music" and proceeded to play me Ace of Base from his iphone.
This happened about a month ago when a friend of a friend told me he was very well versed in "techno music" and proceeded to play me Ace of Base from his iphone.

Ace of Base :), there's a blast from the past, don't think I was even dancing to them in Ibiza in the 90's.

I know what you mean about ill informed judgements. Work colleagues have no idea either, I'm 34 now, and I still get the old "Nudge, nudge, wink wink...oh aye, Ibiza again is it? phwooar" :) If was 18 I wouldn't mind so much.
"When are you going to Ibiza and which festivals are you doing this year" is fairly common.

And people always ask why it's always Ibiza, I just tell them they won't understand unless they go there and experience it.
This year people constantly told me I was coming back to work the season even though I protested I definitely wasn't and would just do a few short breaks, six weeks before the start of the season I did a U turn and booked a one way flight....looks like everyone else knows me better than I know myself!
Ace of Base :), there's a blast from the past, don't think I was even dancing to them in Ibiza in the 90's.

I know what you mean about ill informed judgements. Work colleagues have no idea either, I'm 34 now, and I still get the old "Nudge, nudge, wink wink...oh aye, Ibiza again is it? phwooar" :) If was 18 I wouldn't mind so much.
cheers, i now have ace of base - all that she wants stuck in my head:lol::lol:

i'm 34, and most of the guys in my work (senior guys to me as well) constanly drop comments about me /ibiza/clubbing/narcotics....and they are ....well mostly right i suppose...but i still should sue for slander until they show me proof!:lol:
I can handle all the "drugs" comments from friends and work colleagues. But, when they start to tell me that I am "too old" that really winds me up:twisted:.
Mine do, but I do like to travel elsewhere as well. The most annoying part is how ill-informed they are about it and they like to make judgements when they have absolutely no idea. At all.

This is what I find amusing.... if I meet someone and they tell me they really like... (something I know nothing about) fencing, for example, I'm not going to spout off and have some opinion about it. However, most people I know, seem to have an opinion and think they know exactly what Ibiza is about. This happened about a month ago when a friend of a friend told me he was very well versed in "techno music" and proceeded to play me Ace of Base from his iphone.

Agreed. Alot of people instantly make a judgement on you