Do you receive paper bills - if not beware!!


Active Member
I needed to hire a car over the xmas period. Hire company needed two recent utility bills or other official correspondence.

We receive our water bill quarterly, everything else is electronic. After searching through many drawers and folders I found a quarterly bank statement, that since receiving I have gone electronic!!

Why in an electronic age do people still rely on printed bills as proof of id? Unless I go back to receiving quarterly bank statements from the bank, I would not be able to produce two forms of printed id.

I had to show my two part driving licence, this is clearly not sufficient! The hire co was Enterprise, I guess they are all similar with the printed bills requirement?
I dont keep anything paper due to being lazy and not having a shredder and the fact of when I lived at home my dad used to open my post "by accident"

I see what you are saying though - I got a letter through about an appointment to see my bank and they want a form of bill and ID - have no form of bill like yourself!
Might be worth checking with a few "providers" as some of ours have the function on their website for you to sign in and print off a bill / statement.

But definitely a good point raised.

I tend to have a load of files ready and waiting as ID in case of the need to hire a car.
I needed to hire a car over the xmas period. Hire company needed two recent utility bills or other official correspondence.

We receive our water bill quarterly, everything else is electronic. After searching through many drawers and folders I found a quarterly bank statement, that since receiving I have gone electronic!!

Why in an electronic age do people still rely on printed bills as proof of id? Unless I go back to receiving quarterly bank statements from the bank, I would not be able to produce two forms of printed id.

I had to show my two part driving licence, this is clearly not sufficient! The hire co was Enterprise, I guess they are all similar with the printed bills requirement?

what if you were a tourist?

*also on cars - insurance renewal time - cheapest (admiral) is over £1000! any tips for getting the quote down without blatantly lying...? seems ridiculously high for someone with my experience and living in a fairly safe street
All you should need to hire a car is the two parts of your driving license and thats it.

Or at least thats all I ever need to hire a car.
Even with paperless bills you can still print off a hard copy.
I suppose that works with bills, not so much with bank statements.

I used to use my UK HSBC account statements as proof of address whenever I needed to get certain things done in the UK. Now it's a problem because I get them electronically but it doesn't print out like a normal statement (with address, etc.)

I never understood why the UK makes such a big deal about proof of address, especially for such things as opening a bank account.