dj sneak


Active Member
has anyone had a listen to sneaks latest mix on MOS Sessions?

really enjoying the tunes, especailly cd 2. reminds me of why i love the big guy. :)
Absolutely loving that CD, he was blinding @ Ministry last wkend too, probably one of the best sets I've ever heard him play and that's from a Sneak stalker :lol:
i think its alright actually. was genuinely surprised when i got a listen to it. its not normally what id listen to, but its currently in the car stereo and has been for a week or two.
didnt find out sneak was playing at ministry until the day after :evil: was gutted. instead i went to a club in piccadilly called the astor, which was pretty $hit.
Marts said:
didnt find out sneak was playing at ministry until the day after :evil: was gutted. instead i went to a club in piccadilly called the astor, which was pretty $hit.

He's got a residency @ Ministry this year, next one is in June.