DJ Job - Style - Chillout,Finky,Tribal,Tech,Commercial House...


New Member
Hi to all, people from and not from Ibiza. I'm writing from Serbia, in hope that someone is actually going to read this... if so... read on.
I am interested in playing music in ibiza, probably as 1o,ooo other DJs, but I think I got some special skills, that I want to present, to people that come to Ibiza. I have my own website & DJ unity (www.partyparliament.org , You can see me there actually :lol: ... But the most important thing it's that I have my own production with huge number of Bootlegs, and white labels... I had some contacts from the people in Ibiza, but I just didn't want to call them, and sound like so freaky desppared... so I tried some other way... this way!
So I'm, 20 years old, Male, Student (studying MEDIA (TV,Radio,News...) 3 years proffesionaly in Music & Clubbing... I play: Funky, Tribal, Tech, Disco and ofcourse - commercial house... If you want to find out more about me, please DO contact me on: I'll be glad to answer to anyone... :)

thanx in advance
ZeeC DJ (Alexander Zec)
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