Distance from Khumharas/Hotel Milord to Sunset Strip?


New Member
Hey ya ppl,
Just a quick question... how far of a walk is it from Khumharas to the Sunset Strip, Coastline Cafe, the Egg?? I know there is a ferry that goes from there to the egg, but I'm curious of walking distance/time. I'm trying to pinpoint where Khumharas is and just can't visualize it... if you're walking towards it from the Egg, is it past Punta Es Moli??


P.S. I know McRackin will throw up a bunch of pics just to show me where it is hehehe
To walk from Khumharas to Sunset strip (Calo des Moro) we are talking more then 45 mins imo. Nice walk mind you. Its a fair distance 8O

I will be doing it this season as I am staying at Calo des Moro and will be walking to Khumharas on occassions. Think I will get the boat back 8O
Alternatively, hop on the taxi boat for less than than 2 euros each and be there in about 4 minutes.