Disco Bus


New Member
How Does the disco bus work? Ive always got cabs before. Im staying in San An Bay, where and when would I get the bus to Pacha or Amnesia or Space and can I get the same home at 6am???
is this always mobbed i.e. if you go down for the 1:00 bus will you be waiting till 3:00 until you actually get on one?
From San An there seemed to be 2 q's for the bus. One at the car park opp the Egg and the other across the road from Bar M on some wasteland, not sure which it stops at first. Qs always looked massive when I saw them....
the one across from bar m i've been on before - thats the one u get for free if you buy your tickets from certain places
i am staying at riveria apts san an bay where can i pick up this bus do i have to go the egg silly question but will i know its the disco bus don't want to get on one which goes somehwer esle.

i suppose the 5.30 buses back are packed as well.