Disco Bus? Fee??


New Member
:?: HIYA!
im an ibiza virgin...would love to visit all the clubs while im there. booked it tonight 26th june for 10 days :D ..was just wondering about disco bus...is there a fee...expensive/cheap?? reliable??

thank you!!!!! :)
just like a normal bus fare

somewhere between 1 & 2 euros i think :?

pretty much reliable and recommended for travelling to/from clubs

(tho' the last few years, there appears to be no more music on the buses :( )
macdonsj said:
just like a normal bus fare

somewhere between 1 & 2 euros i think :?

pretty much reliable and recommended for travelling to/from clubs

(tho' the last few years, there appears to be no more music on the buses :( )

Like a normal bus!!!!!! 8O 8O 8O

It was like a cattle market - actually no, it felt like I was on a probationary service day out looking after young offenders - screaming abuse at the driver for not letting them drink alcohol on the bus, so they chucked their drinks, smashing their bottles in the car park and complaining to the driver "how the fook could they neck their pills if they didnt have a drink on the bus??" :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Never again !!! (However, I suspect its because I am too old to get the Disco Bus and not impressed by Chav behaviour .....:D )
puppylover said:
Like a normal bus!!!!!! 8O 8O 8O

It was like a cattle market - actually no, it felt like I was on a probationary service day out looking after young offenders - screaming abuse at the driver for not letting them drink alcohol on the bus, so they chucked their drinks, smashing their bottles in the car park and complaining to the driver "how the fook could they neck their pills if they didnt have a drink on the bus??" :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Never again !!! (However, I suspect its because I am too old to get the Disco Bus and not impressed by Chav behaviour .....:D )

the normal part referred to the actual fare! 8)

i have tended not to get a disco bus in recent years due to an unerring ability to just miss one and the call of alcohol cannot have me wait for another one to arrive 8O
macdonsj said:
the normal part referred to the actual fare! 8)

i have tended not to get a disco bus in recent years due to an unerring ability to just miss one and the call of alcohol cannot have me wait for another one to arrive 8O

Ooops - My apologies :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
puppylover said:
Like a normal bus!!!!!! 8O 8O 8O

It was like a cattle market - actually no, it felt like I was on a probationary service day out looking after young offenders - screaming abuse at the driver for not letting them drink alcohol on the bus, so they chucked their drinks, smashing their bottles in the car park and complaining to the driver "how the fook could they neck their pills if they didnt have a drink on the bus??" :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Never again !!! (However, I suspect its because I am too old to get the Disco Bus and not impressed by Chav behaviour .....:D )

My experience exactly! It's worth it to pay for a cab - you can share with others and make the fare even cheaper.

When I was on it the bus last it was full of loud drunk chavs, and the bus driver was playing "Crazy Frog". I was on my way to Manumission, which was even more abuse - why oh why didn't I get off at Pacha?!

Discriminating non-chavs avoid the disco bus at all costs!!
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Paris400 said:
My experience exactly! It's worth it to pay for a cab - you can share with others and make the fare even cheaper.

When I was on it the bus last it was full of loud drunk chavs, and the bus driver was playing "Crazy Frog". I was on my way to Manumission, which was even more abuse - why oh why didn't I get off at Pacha?!

Discriminating non-chavs avoid the disco bus at all costs!!

it used to be so much better
the discobus person that travelled with the bus putting on a tape of some cool tunes!

oops starting to sound like one of those "back in the day" people :spank:
please don't tell me as been spoilt by load's of drunken brit's:cry: i've been visiting this magical place on and off for the past 18 year's,this year is my first time for 3 year's:) .arrive june 10th, if you're at the airport about mid-day i'll be the guy kissing the tarmac,just love the place,even cry when i leave:cry: but if you don't leave then you can't come back again:? ,to all the local's look after the magical island for everybody.:D
White isle

fatphilb said:
i love that feeling you get when you step off the plane

excitement, anticipation etc.

I have taken different mates with me and they all say that being there is better than any story they have heard.
The fare is 1.75 if I remember correctly!

In July and August it is extremely crammed, like rush hour on the tubes in London.

The other months its fine and because its nice and cheap its worth using.

1 tip though, if you do decide to take the bus be careful at the bus stop because some people like to push in and if you're not careful you miss it and then have to get the next one!
Discobus - santa eulalia?!

Does anyone know where the discobus goes from in Santa Eulalia? Im staying there in september and wanna get it to Space and Amnesia...i found loadsa links for the times but not from where it goes from...any ideas? And on the return where does it go from in PDB? Do they pick up outside the clubs...

Thank you muchly!!:)8)
We used the discobus 4 or 5 times in the last 2 years and always found it busy but everyone on it were pretty sensible and the bus just seemed like it was full of anticipation for the night ahead
"Does anyone know where the discobus goes from in Santa Eulalia?"

it goes from the big car park at the back of the town hall.