dilema. help.


New Member
hey guys, i need some advice, it might be a little long winded but please help me decide what to do. Me and the hubby have our flights booked to go work the season(flights booked for june 15th) the problem is that i have an unresolved health problem and i dont know whether or not i will be able to work during the summer.

Just before christmas i was diagnosed as having tendonitis in both wrists which meant that i wasnt able to do much in the way of typing or lifting and i havent been in work since then. About 2 weeks ago i finally got to see a physio who told me that she thought i had been misdiagnosed-that maybe i had arthritus or perhaps some other joint disease, i had a blood test last week that apparently came back with some confusing results, in other words the gp still cant tell me whats wrong and i will have to see a specialist- im not sure how long the wait for this is.

Im lucky enough in that my employer is currently paying me full pay whilst im on sick leave but im not sure how much longer that is going to last. I am trying to save as much as i can. My main worry is that with all this uncertainty i dont know if i would want to be in a foreign country if this isnt resolved but in addition to that i feel like its getting close to the time when i need to book somewhere to stay if i am going to ibiza-herein lies my main dilema.
As our flight is already booked, we will go to ibiza for a week or two regardless of whether or not we are staying for the season but the problem is-if we are going to be going there to work we will want to stay somewhere as cheap as possible in san antonio so that we can save our money for the rest of the summer, if we are only going for a holiday we will prob want to have a nicer place to stay more likely in playa den bossa or talamanca. So i guess im wondering if i should pay a little bit more for a nice hotel where we would want to stay for a holiday, pay for somewhere a bit nicer in san antonio or else stay with the original plan and book the cheapest hostel in san antonio that we can find?

maybe alot of people are thinking, shut up and do whatever you want but i have been thinking about this for a while and just dont know what to do. this is basically the last season for about the next 3 years that we will be able to do this together which makes the decision even more difficult.
i have stayed many times at the gran sol in san an its clean and basic and very cheap it has air con and tv etc. we are paying £15 each a night for a week in june for space opening so i think thats pretty ok!
its in an ok location too close to coastline etc

if you want somewhere nicer the blau parc opposite is more expensive and very nice.
