Dickinson & Dursley in Ibiza


Active Member
Well, as often happens when I take a short Ibiza hiatus I drifted away from this forum in 2013. That is, in all honesty, probably a good thing because seeing people report back with all their great stories and sharing their excitement can be hard when you take a year out.

But 2014 is on, ladies and gents. Paid for the deposit on our villa this morning. We are returning to the very same villa we used in 2011 - the scene of my best trip to Ibiza so far. Going in September, as opposed to July or August, this time and I'm really excited to see how different that is.

More interesting is the fact that this time two Spotlighters are joining forces, as a certain Ikoda a.k.a. Mr Dursley is a member of our party. Me and Ben 'met' (as it were) on this forum and we've been collaborating a fair bit on Ben's trance night Transcend over the last year or so, first in Brighton and now in Bristol. Ben has made me one of their residents. (All facilitated by my move to London in 2012, of course.) And now it's time for a little White Isle collaboration... it was only a matter of time.

So, Ikoda? Part VIII for you, Part V for me. What do we have in store?
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Does this mean I get an invite to an epic villa party seeing as I normally try to meet up with Ben when he is over :)

I think a little villa party may well be on the cards this year, yes. Ben has mentioned trying to get some equipment out there. So simple maths dictates:

2 DJs + Villa + equipment X Ibiza = Villa Pool Party.

There would be Spotlight invitations, of course.
Hmmm seems interesting. .....

Well, you could give our villa a knock in August, mate, but I fear the response from the then occupants may not be so positive. Unless of course they are having a villa party anyway and are welcoming randoms.
I'm not as active on here I should be.

I wouldn't quite call Wednesday normal... ;). But villa party is definitely on the cards.