Desolat London


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Is anyone going? It's Saturday from 10-10 at this new club Pulse in London.

Quite an impressive line-up...

LOCO DICE (extended set)

I bought a ticket a while ago, but the person I was going with bailed and am struggling to find a replacement. Debating what to do.. Going solo does not appeal to me greatly but I really want to see Loco Dice + various others..
Yesss found someone to go with. She's not acquainted with techno/house and I've had to bribe her by offering to pay towards her ticket/buy her a drink but hopefully this will convert her. I'm looking forward to it, then there's the afterparty at fuse with Livio and Roby from 10.30am to 10.30pm, I will probably be passed out well before then but you never know.

Anyone care to speculate as to when Loco's 'extended set' will commence? I'd honestly prefer not to get to this club before 2am, but living in North London I'll have to get the last train whenever that is. Could potentially hit up a pub nearby..
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This is my mate from Newcastle's night - they're always a good friendly experience !

Good Choice...

PS I can ask what the extended set consists of time wise if you want?
Would be interested to hear some reviews on this after the reported shambles of the opening night with Morillo.
This is my mate from Newcastle's night - they're always a good friendly experience !

Good Choice...

PS I can ask what the extended set consists of time wise if you want?

Please do! Would massively help me plan out my night.

I'm getting pretty excited now. I seriously hope they resolved the opening issues though.
so how was it???

I went fabric in the end. was pretty good as it wasnt so busy seeing as everyone was at Desolat!
Do tell Ferdster!

It was on the RA forum after the event.

Hour long queues for people with tickets as there was only one person at the door, blocked and overflowed toilets from the start, impossible to get through to the cloak room when dancefloor was busy..
Ok from what I can remember there was no queue this time and getting in was easy. Staff were decent and the bar queue was similar to fabric on a busy night.

Expecting it to be a very long night I made the rookie error of predrinking copious amounts, with the intention of sobering up by 5 or 6 and getting involved with some other intoxicants. That didn't quite go to plan and myself and the person I was with were utterly obliterated by I guess 3 or 4 :oops:.

For this reason I can't really comment on the night/club/music with much authority. It's annoying because I really really wanted to see a lot of those DJs and check out this new club! I remember for sure that is was horrifically hot in the room Loco Dice was playing in (possibly in other parts of the club as well) and that he came on surprisingly early and I remember finding his set unpleasantly pounding. Due to the heat we were constantly exiting to the smoking area to cool down, which was annoying and is possibly why I couldn't get into the set. Compared to how I've seen him play in Ibiza and at Fuse in November I think his set was too generic/pounding though and looking through some videos there are lots of tunes I heard him play in November which is a shame.

I think the other room where Guti played looked cooler/more spacious and the DJ booth wasn't up in the ceiling but down with the crowd which is far preferable imo. I guess there were many more rooms but I don't think I checked them out.

As for the crowd I think it was OK, seemed like lots of blokes, lots of East London / Essex boys which I suppose is standard.

The club has some cool features and the toilets were fine (people complained about them after the opening), the flow of people was shocking though. Like to get out to the smoking area was a massive hassle involving a lengthy queue and there was some overzealous bouncer getting really lary with clueless (probably wasted) pedestrians trying to make their way out.

It also did remind me of SEOne which i was never a fan of, dark, dingy, hot, grimey arches. However, I think if they sort out the aircon it will be a nicer place and the space in general was probably superior, just wish I'd checked it all out...

Also the owner, Mark Ames, looks like a fairly shady/unsavoury person. I don't know anything about him so that's massive speculation but I'm wondering if this club will ever be run in the same way Fabric is / matter was or will ever provide a similarly sick experience. If there's another night in a few months with an awesome line up then I'll go back as long as I know for certain they've sorted out aircon. That heat was so horrific, much worse than anything I'd experienced actually.