Deepest Blue


Active Member
Quality tune in my opinion, but its getting played on Radio 1 ready for its chart release, I heard someone say it might get to number 1? Is it really the sort of thing the mass-market likes?
I actually like this tune :oops: . Its one of those tracks that sounds good when you are driving and puts you in a feel good mood :D

I think it will go to number though 8O
comin' at ya said:
Surely you should know - being part of the mass market.

Well your right in thinking that I'm not out of touch with society, but I didn't think it would go down that well with society at large.
The original has been playing here for bloody ages and it's soooooooooo overdone!!!!!!!
It was alright back in September when you only heard it once or twice but now I can't stand it; a tad cheese in my opinion.