December real time weather


I'm heading out on Wednesday, hows the weather? Frikkin freezing here so I need a sun shine top up. I'm guessing shorts in the sun during the day, jeans in the evening. Bearing in mind I am scraping the frost from my windscreen before driving to work at the moment, I can't wait for a bit of heat.
thanks, 18 degrees will do me just fine, may even get to light my fire in the evening as an added bonus
we spent all morning in the mountain picking pebrassos and a t-shirt was more than enough (obviously colder at night)..... december so far = 8) ! !

we spent all morning in the mountain picking pebrassos and a t-shirt was more than enough (obviously colder at night)..... december so far = ! !

Those pebrassos look very yummy indeed. Wish I was there 8) - UK in a wet Winter does not agree with me :(... and most of the funghi have long since rotted away :!:
how do you cook them?
i like them grilled with a bit of olive oil, salt and pepper but we also use them in different rice dishes, omelettes, etc etc etc.....

finding them is half the fun. this morning we filled 7 baskets like this among 6 people:

I've seen a couple of recipes for rice dishes that use them,for instance Arros de Matances,
they add the sophisticated touch apparently.

I also read that they are scarce and highly valued.....explains your reluctance to name locations.
inspired by your fungus, thought I would have a look around my place for some, unfortunately I can't upload a photo but the one I have found is about 3 inches accross with a yellowy brown top and bright yellow underneath with thousands of pin sized spores, and quite a thick stem, any ideas what it is?


- “Pebrassos”​
- Chopped pork loin
- Sobrasada chopped (optional)
- Toast

- Parsley, garlic

- Red Pepper
- Black pepper

- Olive oil, salt


We put the pieces of pork and mushrooms with the stem upward on a tray. It is covered with a bite of bread crumbs, garlic and parsley. Season with salt, black pepper and paprika to consumer taste is watered with a dash of oil and put in oven to heat which is the time to do everything.




Autumn officially ended on Thursday the 22nd of December, with the winter solstice, and figures published last week showed it had been the second hottest on record during the last 58 years, with an average temperature of 20.9 degrees. This was only beaten by the 21 degrees registered during Autumn 2006.

By month, September was 1.2 degrees warmer, October 1.0 and November 1.4. The major reason for this increase in temperatures, according to experts, was the lack of winds from the north and east and the predominance of breezes from the south, accompanied by lots of sunshine in September and October, and although it did rain in November, it did not do so every day.

As far as rainfall is concerned, it was virtually non-existent in September and October, but that was counterbalanced in November when 28 per cent more rainfall was recorded, with the airport receiving a record 211 litres per square meter during the month, the highest since statistics began back in 1953. Meanwhile the part of December which falls in the autumn registered lower temperatures, as polar winds arrived.

The Met Office expert, Agustí Jansá, predicted that vast anomalies were not expected during the winter months; the mean average for January and February is 12 degrees, with March being slightly warmer.