Deadmau5 - Victoria Park,London


Active Member
Must of just been announced because ive not noticed it before! £39 for a ticket!



In the picture properties it says "LEDfesitval"

I went to this last year, it wasn't great and there were a load of cancellations and complaints...

(assuming it is the LED festie)

edit - just noticed in big letters "LED Presents" in the top right... oops
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this is what you will get for your £39:

- rain
- queues
- local rudebwoys trying to flog you 'beans'
- stewards confiscating 'beans' off you
- long delay whilst someone tries to zip up mouse outfit with broken zip
- mouse eventually appearing and punching air in delight
- mouse pressing buttons
- heavier rain
- 17 year old kids everywhere - some of whom think it will be laugh to start flicking caterpault projectiles at the deadmaus
- no tunes you recognise
- no tunes you ever want to hear again
- no tunes that do anything whatsover to lift your spirits or reaffirm your love of humanity
- more bleeps
- huge cheers whenever mouse presses button on computer / checks email
- a headache from music
- a nasty aftertaste from the few 'beans' that didn't get confiscated
- no rush whatsoever
- tall bloke in front with girlfriend on shoulders still obstructing view of mouse apart from ears
- a desperate urge to find nearest pub ASAP
this is what you will get for your £39:

- rain
- queues
- local rudebwoys trying to flog you 'beans'
- stewards confiscating 'beans' off you
- long delay whilst someone tries to zip up mouse outfit with broken zip
- mouse eventually appearing and punching air in delight
- mouse pressing buttons
- heavier rain
- 17 year old kids everywhere - some of whom think it will be laugh to start flicking caterpault projectiles at the deadmaus
- no tunes you recognise
- no tunes you ever want to hear again
- no tunes that do anything whatsover to lift your spirits or reaffirm your love of humanity
- more bleeps
- huge cheers whenever mouse presses button on computer / checks email
- a headache from music
- a nasty aftertaste from the few 'beans' that didn't get confiscated
- no rush whatsoever
- tall bloke in front with girlfriend on shoulders still obstructing view of mouse apart from ears
- a desperate urge to find nearest pub ASAP

Cheers Olly. Vitally - will it appear that the boyfriend has cartoon rodent ears in the normal ear position or that in fact her arse has ears? I must know
of course, if I was 17 I would probably love it

are they going to listen to a fossil like me? are they fcuk!

I'm just jaded by everything and life in general - and above all by moron novelty acts in animal costumes
I feel real bad now. like i just deposited a giant turd on the OP's dream day out.

sorry - you WILL have a wild time. I know nothing. I'm just amusing myself at work.

who is dead mouse? danger's evil twin?

like I say. I know nothing


eternally yours.

...never spent so much money on the waltzers.....

Had m8's in the area, seemed like a good idea and can't believe there is going to be another one!

Cheeky buggers
this is what you will get for your £39:

- rain
- queues
- local rudebwoys trying to flog you 'beans'
- stewards confiscating 'beans' off you
- long delay whilst someone tries to zip up mouse outfit with broken zip
- mouse eventually appearing and punching air in delight
- mouse pressing buttons
- heavier rain
- 17 year old kids everywhere - some of whom think it will be laugh to start flicking caterpault projectiles at the deadmaus
- no tunes you recognise
- no tunes you ever want to hear again
- no tunes that do anything whatsover to lift your spirits or reaffirm your love of humanity
- more bleeps
- huge cheers whenever mouse presses button on computer / checks email
- a headache from music
- a nasty aftertaste from the few 'beans' that didn't get confiscated
- no rush whatsoever
- tall bloke in front with girlfriend on shoulders still obstructing view of mouse apart from ears
- a desperate urge to find nearest pub ASAP

You missed off a blocked view as a result of paper mache mouse heads

Eeeee arent they good!
I went last year and found the production to be a bit bland (but not bad for a festie finding its feet*)...

* However with Cream as a backer they should be able to hit the ground running.

But - Aphex Twin was absolutely unbelievable. If Dead"sillyhatgimmick"FerretWhatshisface is the replacement for him then I'm royally unimpressed.

Here's a couple of vids I took: :twisted:

Deadmau5 never dissapoints in the production! Dunno how it will translate from arena to park though