Deadmau5 strikes again

Mr C has had a massive rant about this , most of which wont make it through the swear word filter on this site! Needless to say he's not his biggest fan!
Am I right in saying that Deadmau5 has never really been a DJ as such though? He's came into EDM from a specific producer/tech geek background and since taking up live shows has naturally relied on laptops and midi controllers. So what kind of authority is Deadmau5 on DJing exactly?

To lump all DJing into one folder marked 'glorified button pushing' is so far off the mark it's laughable. You've got vinyl at one end of the specturm and programs like Abelton at the other, and there's so much varience in terms of skill and talent going on in between.

Just ask some of my 'non-DJing' friends about DJing after I've just spent half an hour trying to teach them it just seems impossible. Easy if you know how....:rolleyes:
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a guy who has had to wear a novelty mouse head to get an audience:lol::lol:

you'd think he'd shut his mouth, take the money and enjoy himself a bit more.
Yep... that article about sums up what I witnessed the first (and only?) time I watched Deadmau5 "DJing": He just stood there twiddling the EQ knobs to a pre-programmed laptop set. Tosser.
I think he's trying to ride the angle of 'honesty is the best policy , at least im being reeeaaal about it maaaann"...
But actually he's totally missed the mark.
A Guy Called Gerald was never a dj but you look at him do sets now and he works 2 laptops running Reason as if each was a turntable with synths and controllers as well. Deadmau5 has merely highlighted how lame his setup / performance skills are by assuming everyone else is doing the same as him.
I swear most of you have missed the point here.

He's calling himself a button pusher. He knows he's not a DJ, he says as such. What he's taking aim at is people who do refer to themselves as DJ's, yet do what he does which he, from personal experience, doesn't class as being much.

I'm just so sick of hearing the "NO!!! I'M NOT JUST DOING THIS, I HAVE 6 TABLES UP THERE AND I DO THIS THIS AND THIS" like… honestly. who gives a ****? I don't have any shame in admitting that for "unhooked" sets... I just roll up with a laptop and a MIDI controller and "select" tracks and hit a spacebar.

He's taking aim at people who try and argue and defend what they do, as if they're afraid DJ Sneak might call them out on it.
but he's effectively saying "im crap , but at least i know it and will admit while others wont"
thats fine but your still crap...
I think he's trying to ride the angle of 'honesty is the best policy , at least im being reeeaaal about it maaaann"...
But actually he's totally missed the mark.
A Guy Called Gerald was never a dj but you look at him do sets now and he works 2 laptops running Reason as if each was a turntable with synths and controllers as well. Deadmau5 has merely highlighted how lame his setup / performance skills are by assuming everyone else is doing the same as him.

but he's effectively saying "im crap , but at least i know it and will admit while others wont"
thats fine but your still crap...

Absolutely spot on. Nail, head, hit...
but he's effectively saying "im crap at Dj'ing, but at least i know it and will admit while others wont"
thats fine but your still crap...

Slight edit to clarify. He's aware he can't do what other people like Sneak (hate using him as an example but he's the most vocal about it) do, but he has no need to.
hmmmm well then im not sure he should perform at all.

Why not?

People will willingly pay to see him, surely the majority of them aren't stupid enough to think he's making tracks as he goes on up there?

I get where you're coming from with that, believe me I do; I've questioned the logic of going to listen to a few CD's being played whilst the artists dance around drinking on stage, but as long as people are willing to pay to see the artist and hear the songs, it'll keep happening.

Problem is for most people there isn't a clear line that distinguishes the difference between a DJ and a producer, and I think that's where he's trying to come from with his rants.
Its only kids that go to see these jokers.SHM included.They have given nothing to house music.
Its only kids that go to see these jokers.SHM included.They have given nothing to house music.

Two stunning bits of ignorance there.

The first one is just a shocking assumption.

The second one is naive, for all you know there could be many people who've discovered new music through listening to these more mainstream artists and then go on to delve a bit deeper.

But hey, it's cool to hate on them, right?
Yeah I get you, tbh the bigger problem is we've created a culture where ppl go to clubs/festivals and want to be fed entertainment. Ppl want to face a performer on a stage regardless what they are doing. Entertainment has taken over from party/rave.
Obviously just talking about the huge events
We went to see him the second time he played whp in manchester 2 seasons ago, the computer crashed 3 times and music stopped for lengths of time, people still seemed to enjoy it- we walked out :spank:

I can not enjoy a set now if I know they are not mixing at all, and try to avoid the djs I know are doing it
He's repeatedly said he is not a DJ, and even told DJ Mag that he didnt understand why he was included in the poll. Not that I am saying that poll is accurate at all, but even though I am not a fan of Deadmau5 live, hes a great producer and has no problem saying he isnt a DJ at least shows his honesty.