

New Member
Just wondering how much it is to get into circo loco at dc10 if and where you can get tickets and how much the drinks are. Planning on going this monday to see what all the fuss is about. :eek:
Just wondering how much it is to get into circo loco at dc10 if and where you can get tickets and how much the drinks are. Planning on going this monday to see what all the fuss is about. :eek:

someone else on this forum told me it should be about 30/35e, i havent been this early in the season before so i werent sure myself, im also planning on going there this monday myself quality line up! i know you can get tickets from the dc10 shop in playa d'en bossa and ibiza town from previous experience and i remember someone selling tickets near the space/bora bora area before, definitely worth going to though take it from me!
Just wondering how much it is to get into circo loco at dc10 if and where you can get tickets and how much the drinks are. Planning on going this monday to see what all the fuss is about. :eek:

I went to the opening party. 30 Euros entry. Drinks are reasonable 7 euros for a beer. My tip don't get there too late cause the Terrace gets v busy and you can't get near it.
I went to the opening party. 30 Euros entry. Drinks are reasonable 7 euros for a beer. My tip don't get there too late cause the Terrace gets v busy and you can't get near it.

30 euros for an opening of that magnitude is ace for ibiza standards! cant wait for monday afternoon/evening!