DC10 Track IDs...HELP!


Active Member
Hi guys

BAck from a mammoth 3 weeks on the island and hunting down some of the best tracks I heard...I have to confess to being a bit of a train spotter and recording some of the audio on my iphone whilst in the clubs :oops:

Audio quality is pretty rubbish but here are three tracks I am hunting down!:

Yousef played this at DC10 and I also heard Lawler play it at Kehakuma. Lovely stuff.


Margaret Dygas played this at Space. Wicked bass!


Finally heard this played EVERYWHERE including Layo & Bushwacka at Amnesia.


Any help much appreciated!!!
the first one is: Mendo - Inocencia

2nd one is in my library somewer so il have a look and get back to you
That's it, thanks! *I think it is the same mix it just sounds a lot more bass heavy on the recording given it is coming out of a function one sound system (rather than my rubbish ipod headphones...). Thanks again.