DC10 - 1st timer, any tips?


Active Member
Been to the island a few times but never made it to DC10 - hoping to give Circo a go this year.

What's the best way to play it in terms of best time to arrive, dress (i.e. is it a shorts and flip-flop type joint), getting there and back (from Ibiza Town) without own transport etc.
I'll always try and get there early about 6/7, especially now they have djs in garden. A taxi from PDB costs 10/15 euro not sure from Ibiza town.
My biggest piece of advice is to make sure you go because for me it's an amazing party not to be missed.
Go as early as possible, I love it when theres loads of room.

Now they have DJs in the garden on the regular, does this mean its a bit less sardine like on the terrace? Or do they just cram more people in? I quite liked rolling around on the floor outside tbh.
how busy is circo loco @ dc10 week in week out? going mid july this year

last two years have been closing weekends and it was unbearable at times
Go whilst it is still daylight, then watch the light fade through those terrace windows.
Last time I went there, thought about getting a bag and catheter fitted ready for the next time. Seeing as you get the sh*t thumped out of you if the bouncers catch you peeing in a cup in the garden ! Can also sell the contents on as a straight hierbas.... seeing as most people wouldn't be able to tell the difference after a few hours in there anyway !