Dark Knight

matt collins

Active Member
Holy cow Batman, this film rocks... 8)8)8)

(Heath Ledger is as good as they say, if slightly a tad maniacal in an Al Jolson way)


Half expected him to blurt out "Mammy" at some point...
Absolutely dying to see this film. I've always been a Batman fan... not an avid comic reader but one of the few graphic novels I've read is Frank Miller's Dark Knight which is amazing stuff.

I liked Tim Burton's vision in the first 2 Batman movies, but Cristopher Nolan's is equally dark and less quirky which I find even more appealing. The clips I've seen of Ledger's performance are mindblowing.
I saw this premier night here in the US...get the large popcorn, its a long movie! But by far the BEST super hero/comic book movie...puts Spiderman to shame. (although, should have been called "The Joker").
I am very excited at the prospect of this - LOVED the previous one (hated the other Batman films far to hammy and OTT but not in a good way like the old 60's Batman and Robin Series :lol:)

Christian Bale is so good as Mr Wayne.... and intrigued to see Heath Ledger's portrayal of The Joker - there's been so much hype about it....
I thought that I had hyped it up to much from reading reviews and watching about it on the news etc... but my god I went to see it last night and thought it was one of the best movies out. Certainly the best ive seen this year.

Nolan and Goyer are an force to be reckoned with.
I wonder if they'll go to space to celebrate :)

Im glad that everyone keeps saying how its definitely worth the hype.

I was watching something on Sky last night about the new film and its looks amazing.

Heath Ledger looks awesome 8)
its too long, too unfocused, too morose, too plodding, too up its own anus. it's rubbish
Watched this last night,best film I'v watched this year and Heath ledger is wicked.

Recommended to all.
It don't half go on !!!! It was alright though, would been dead good if it didn't go on so much and if thingys face wasn't completely ridiculous.
its too long, too unfocused, too morose, too plodding, too up its own anus. it's rubbish

Were you watching the same film the film got so fast paced towards the last hour i had to grab hold of my penis- ledger was fantastic in this film
Watched the Filming of Batman Last Year...

I'm going to see the movie in IMAX tonight and I can't wait!!!! They filmed parts of the movie in Chicago's financial district which is where I work. Not that exciting to watch though. Mainly watched the production assistants chain smoking and setting up equipment.