Daniel Briegert - Minimal-ElectroHouse (09.09.06)


New Member
Daniel Briegert - Minimal-ElectroHouse (09.09.06)

Hey all, here a new minimal-electroHouse-set. I hope it found some friends and you like this sound. Please write a litle feedback, thanks! :)

artist: Daniel Briegert [ Fly2Mars / monoFM / briegert.net ]
artist-infos: http://www.briegert.net
contact: http://www.briegert.net/main.php?menu=contact
title: What is Minimal? Or from Minimal to ElectroHouse - 09.09.06
style: Minimal/ElectroHouse
length: 72:11 minutes (1CD)
bitrate: 128kb/s

Set: download hier klicken (right click / save under...)

feedback: Please post here or write me a pm or email, thanks! :)