Dangerous driving

The justice system floored I guess, being Hungarian he will only have his UK license revoked to. :rolleyes: Once across the borders he can drive anywhere in Euro land :evil:
Did you see news last night with the new Police HGV cab that they were pulling up next to HGV's in and filming them if they are breaking the law?
Stopped one driver on phone whilst writing on pad with other hand. When they stopped him he said "that was nothing, some foreign drivers have little camping stoves on the passenger seats and cook as they drive!!"
Did you see news last night with the new Police HGV cab that they were pulling up next to HGV's in and filming them if they are breaking the law?
Stopped one driver on phone whilst writing on pad with other hand. When they stopped him he said "that was nothing, some foreign drivers have little camping stoves on the passenger seats and cook as they drive!!"
I have seen them(foreigners) watching films or playing solitaire on the dashboard while driving down the motorway :rolleyes: I have also seen plenty more UK drivers rolling fags, texting or talking on mobile phones while swaying all over the lanes :twisted:
We(HGV drivers) aren't all bad, but the majority I come in to contact with are typical of a low level entry position career that requires no skill. That's not to say that all lorry drivers are thick, but on the whole the breed of selfish ignorant and just plain stupid has been enough to put me off. I am coming off the jaugernauts after my holiday(in Ibiza8)) in Sept and can't wait to not to play life or death on a motorway with the *****s any more.
Rant over :lol:
The justice system floored I guess, being Hungarian he will only have his UK license revoked to. :rolleyes: Once across the borders he can drive anywhere in Euro land :evil:

In Hungary that would be the right side of the road. It's just you Britts that drive on the wrong side :spank: :p
In Hungary that would be the right side of the road. It's just you Britts that drive on the wrong side :spank: :p

We're on the correct side of the ride. It's the rest of the world who is wrong :lol:

Someone did some research a couple of decades ago about this - drivers who are right eye dominant (which is more frequent than left eye dominant) perform better on the left hand side because you are more aware of oncoming traffic and your wing mirror.
We're on the correct side of the ride. It's the rest of the world who is wrong :lol:

Someone did some research a couple of decades ago about this - drivers who are right eye dominant (which is more frequent than left eye dominant) perform better on the left hand side because you are more aware of oncoming traffic and your wing mirror.

Haha, that eye-thing actually sounds just right in my experience. Maybee I should move over? Or convert Sweden :p
I find driving on the side of the road they do in Spain far more logical and straightforward than driving in UK. The only thing which I don't like is having to hold my cigarette and smoke with my left hand whilst driving. But I'm getting used to it :p
The only thing which I don't like is having to hold my cigarette and smoke with my left hand whilst driving. But I'm getting used to it :p
Ah, see, I'm used to that. I couldn't imagine it the other way around! :lol:

But I guess I'm somewhat ambidextrous anyway (can eat, brush teeth, various other things left handed)
Ah, see, I'm used to that. I couldn't imagine it the other way around! :lol:

But I guess I'm somewhat ambidextrous anyway (can eat, brush teeth, various other things left handed)

I can't brush my teeth without looking in a mirror or my toothbrush ends up in my eye or on my cheek, quite hazardous. I can smoke with both hands though.
I can't brush my teeth without looking in a mirror or my toothbrush ends up in my eye or on my cheek, quite hazardous. I can smoke with both hands though.

I can smoke with both hands. Just not while driving :lol:
Prefer to keep both hands on the steering wheel most of the time.