Dancing Jobs


New Member

Iv already posted about this ages ago so thought I would add another post as Iv only had one reply :cry:

Im looking for work dancing Iv a few years experience and am a resident dancer ina few clubs in Belfast, im in the process of making a dvd of me dancing so I can send it out to anyone interested and I have plenty of recent pics etc so anybody that can help mail me pleassssssssseeeee

chel xxx
yess u can.......


The only thing u have to do is to be present early on the island and attend auditions (there r often ads on the island in May...)....otherwise go straight to clubs and if ur really good lookin and good dancer for sure u can get a dancer job (i m sure of this.....)..

Good luck!!!!;)

Thanks for the advice :)
Im thining that is going to be my best bet, although hoping my dvd will help