Daft Punk vs Shauna Solomon


Active Member
Daft Punk vs Shauna Solomon : wannabe

superb track .. but cant find it aaargh, anyone out there with a copy?
wimpers said:
Daft Punk vs Shauna Solomon : wannabe

superb track .. but cant find it aaargh, anyone out there with a copy?

I think Ive been after this one aswell for aaaages. I need it on mp3.

Ive seent the vinyl, its got a plain white label with just "WANNABE" written on it.
I've spinned the record, wast mine though :-) it is soooooooooooooooo fantastic .. i want vinyl (its with a white label with wannabe on it and is sold as Daft Monk of Daft Munk too) or mp3 ...