"D. J. Maquiavelo in the House - Winter 07


Active Member
If you should experience any problems trying to read or download this post(or the files) you can always view it at: http://www.djmaquiavelo.com/InTheHouseWinter07.html

Hello and welcome to the latest addition to the D. J. Maquiavelo house mixed sessions!
As 2007 recently drew to a close, I can honestly look back and say this has been one of the best years for house music.
"D. J. Maquiavelo in the House - Winter 07" is the perfect way to finish a great musical year and start an even better one. This session makes no attempt at trying to be cool; here it's all about big, hands-in-the-air moments and great vocals, a collection of pure, discofied, showstoppers
Listen, enjoy and dance around like a loon if you have even the slightest inclination.
Thank you for all your support!

D. J. Maquiavelo

This is a single file with 128Kbps quality. I recommend this if you are just going to listen the set in your computer.

I recommend this option for faster internet connections and music fans that like quality. Once you uncompress this file you'll get the 17 separate track to the mixed set already formatted to be burned into a CD or downloaded to your MP3 player and listened as a single 80 minute mixed set. It also includes the cover, cd label and track list.

If you should experience any problems trying to read or download this post (or the files) you can always view it at: http://www.djmaquiavelo.com/InTheHouseWinter07.html
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