Currency conversion on tickets


Hello - Is the rate at an old calculation point for US Dollars? I see VIP tickets in Euros at 440 but when I change to USD it jumps up to 562, but with the current exchange rate 440 euros should be more like 500 dollars. Is it just the calculation that is wrong?
hi lakid, it's just a calculation that we make based on oanda's rates for the day. let me check that the rates are being saved correctly.

for some reason they weren't updating daily and were stuck on last month. i've fixed this.

cheers and sorry!
Great. Are we charged in Euros when making a purchase? Is the USD just for display purposes? I am not sure what exchange rate you are using but I am guessing my bank will give me closer to today's rate (around 1.2 euros). Your VIP table prices are still showing $562 when today's rate would put them at about $500. Just curious, as I will be out for 2 weeks and will be buying most of my tickets in advance.
we always charge in euros, so the usd is just for information only. the purchase will be made at your bank's rates. i'll add this to the FAQ for clarity.

p.s. the info is probably cached, you'll only see the proper rates tomorrow. already for me it works fine. 30 eur becomes 34 eur. today's rates are 1.13.
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