cubase sx!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
in the last two days i have lost 2 sets that i have recorded!!!

i dont usually have any problems!!

it is letting me record, then play back etc while the program is open but after i save it and open the file again it says the .wav file is corrupt or not compatable :evil: :evil:

whats going on?!?!?!?! does sound forge have dynamics processors like sx??
ur using cubase to record livesets? A far better option would be to use Wavelab. You can use all the same plugins too :)
im glad i changed program anyway!! cubase was taking up about a gig for an hour and a half recording!!

so i was having to delete mp3's etc to beable to record!
yeah gig and a half is about right.. Dont forget its saving everything to a temp wave file when u record. Soundforge will be just the same. Both can export to mp3 after recording though.
yeah i usually export then split and burn!! or stick the whole file on an md or something!!! i liked recording using sx because you can actually see the wave as it you know if you are keeping each track at about the same level!

soundforge has a monitor.....i prefer seeing the wave though