Cringiest DJ & groupie spectacle I've seen for ages


Well-Known Member
Reaching for something to puke into .. and wondering if it's all for real ... I couldn't help but wonder whether this guy really enjoys having all those sycophants around him in the booth .. and whether insufficient flattery of the lord and master leads to ex-communication from Cadenza-land - or beheading !

This one really does captures it .. they're all parodies of themselves !!
Reaching for something to puke into .. and wondering if it's all for real ... I couldn't help but wonder whether this guy really enjoys having all those sycophants around him in the booth .. and whether insufficient flattery of the lord and master leads to ex-communication from Cadenza-land - or beheading !

This one really does captures it .. they're all parodies of themselves !!

Awful. Too much bugle and too many idiots hanging around. Luciano looks like he needs to look at our " Ask the PT " thread, he's got a a bit of a belly on him!!!
LOLZ! He is off his rocker! Hate this 'fame' culture that goes with nights now. Those people standing in the booth think they're so cool and a somebody.

'I know so and so'......'I stood in the booth'.......blah blah blah.:spank:

Go to a night, enjoy the music....the journey. And stop recording nights on your phones! Enjoy the moment.
Perhaps they are all there to help carry his records, or could that be his ego? The place is littered with groupie whores.
it looks like an entire fashion show took the wrong turn at the end of the catwalk...
Dear God - how bright is it in there???:spank:

they turn on the lights all night at the request of all the beautiful people so they can all give each other marks out of 10 on the beautiful scale... no-one ever scores less than 10..
This is what happens when money grubbers try to drain every last bit of currency out of something that used to be about the music. The scary part is that people will think they had a great night:spank:
Well lets not get ahead of ourselves i guess. Remember Amnesia closing party has exactly the same scenes in the dj booth with various dj's. Im sure if i went I'd have a blinding time. I think the TooCoolForSkoolness in the dj booth doesnt neccesarily reflect the vibe on the dancefloor for everyone (or at least i bloody hope so otherwise it truy would be awful!)
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