Crazy man tries to open door on plane at 3600 feet...


Well-Known Member
What a mad man, he must of been completely bonkers or on drugs at the time:eek:
I'm no hard man, but had he tried in my company I'd of been all out attack on him to stop him taking the plane down :D one paper reported that the plane started shaking but I can't find that one now, surprisingly there was another similar case in Chicago when I googled it to find the link. What is wrong with these people?
I sometimes get an urge to open plane doors... In cars as a child it drove me nuts. Think its because Im not supposed to. Like a kind of vertigo.

I always resist though.
I sometimes get an urge to open plane doors... In cars as a child it drove me nuts. Think its because Im not supposed to. Like a kind of vertigo.

I always resist though.

Make sure to tell everyone your flight details next year, so we can all board a different plane...:)
Make sure to tell everyone your flight details next year, so we can all board a different plane...:)

Thats given me a good idea... I will remember to mention it in passing 'very loudly' in the check in queue... whole plane to myself. Way to get round the misery of being lumbered with the ryan air posse. hehehe :twisted: