Cooks / Chefs ?


New Member
Hi everyone,

I'm always sketchy about posting in some forums, due to the fact that many seem to pick on the "newbies". But after reading alot of posts in this perticular forum, everyone here seems to be pleasant. So i'm gonna risk it. Here's the scoop, im 22, been living in Toronto, Canada for two years now. I need a change of space. I'm considering a stay in Ibiza...only next year. That way i'll have about a year to prepare myself for what's ahead. I have plenty of worries but also plenty of determination. I'll be around in this forum often, picking up any bits and pieces of information i can gather to help myself in this process.

Im also a certified journeyman cook, and my question of course is : is their opportunity for cooks / chefs on the island ? Can anyone help me with this

Dear thanks to all of you for the information and help, looking forward to speaking with you in the near future
From May onwards there is always a demand for cooks and chefs. The only problem that you may have is that if you don't have an EU passport you will need a visa that allows you to work in the EU.

Good luck with your plans.
Wellcome Matt. I'm sure you would find some sort of chef work, although you would need to ask others on here about that sort of thing.

As regards to going to Ibiza, go for it man. Its only 3/4months out of your life (or however long you go for), Yuo wont regret it.