construction @ benirras !?!

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is this true ???

despite the construction-ban ...

Ban Approved

The Govern finally agreed their land reforms on Friday,
which will protect a total of 268 hectares on the island.

As suspected,
Roca Lisa (Santa Eulalia),
Punta Pedrera (San Jose),
Benirras (San Juan) and
ses Feixes (Ibiza Town)
were all chosen and it will now be illegal for Town Halls to grant permission
for the construction of any type of building within these areas.

The four areas will now fall under the category of Natural Areas of Special Interest (ANEI),
although ses Feixes was highlighted as a unique case due to its close proximity to the urban centre.
The final decision on the area will lie with the Town Hall.

The moves by the Govern are a distinct U-turn on the "build anywhere" policy
held by the previous administration, and further restrictions have not been ruled out.
In total 1,516 hectares were assigned ANEI protection in the Balearics,
1,248 in Majorca and the rest in Ibiza.
For the moment Minorca will not be affected, although this was due
to their already strict regulations.

The president of the Consell, Xico Tarres, voiced his pleasure at the decision
whilst reminding everyone it was one of their party pledges during the elections.
He claimed the island's beauty spots needed to be protected and this was the only way.

... construction nevertheless started yesterday ?!?
(sorry, found only a report in german)

Sant Joan widersetzt sich Baustopp
Bagger bereiten Zufahrtsweg in der Bucht von Benirràs

Trotz eines kürzlich von der balearischen Landesregierung verhängten Baustopps
für fünf Küstengebiete Ibizas, darunter die Bucht um Benirràs,
ist am gestrigen Mittwoch mit Bauarbeiten in der einstigen Hippiebucht begonnen worden.

Ein Bagger bearbeitete den Boden für eine künftige Zufahrtsstraße.

Gemäß des Moratoriums von Ende November ist aber jegliche Bautätigkeit in diesem Gebiet untersagt.
Die Landesregierung will mit dieser Maßnahme ausgesuchte Naturräume
von der Zerstörung bewahren.
Sant Joan Bürgermeister Joan Marí sagte gegenüber der Presse,
dass ein Anwaltsteam heute die Rechtmässigkeit der Bautätigkeit in Benirràs prüfen werde.
"Soviel ich weiß, ist es jetzt tatsächlich verboten, dort zu bauen", sagte Marí.

There was confusion and outrage at the various municipal Town Halls last week
as the Consell began to clamp down on their new building legislation.

The new laws passed by the Govern Balear on 23rd November
aimed to restrict building in certain areas of the island.

Five zones were specifically targeted including Punta Pedrera, ses Feixes
and a substantial part of Benirras in San Juan.

The mayors of both Santa Eulalia and San Juan have asked for more specific detail
about the new regulation, as the Town Hall was forced to stop work on a building in the Benirras area just 24 hours after it had been started.

The scandal broke on Monday of last week, when it was revealed
that the Town Hall of San Juan had rushed through permission
for the building of two family houses in the, now protected, Benirras area.
It was discovered the Town Hall had called two special meetings in the lead up
to the legislation coming into affect.
The paperwork granting permission to both of the projects was afforded in just 24 hours, something which was described as "out of the ordinary" by Consell officials.
It normally takes several months for permission to be granted, as technicians from the Town Hall usually have to visit the proposed site, especially in sensitive areas such as Benirras.
During November the Town Hall issued a total of six licenses,
all of which will now be suspended due to the new legislation.

While discussions continued between the PSOE-run Consell and the PP-run Town Hall, a digger appeared in the Benirras area and started to work clearing a substantial part of forested land.
However after just 24 hours Consell officials were sent to the site and work was stopped. They then warned the Town Hall, run by the mayor Antonio Mari Mari, that it was his obligation to stop any work being carried out within the protected areas.

It later became clear the site was not one of those which had been given a license
during November, but had in fact received permission back in May.
However the incident raised several queries which forced the Consell to issue a statement towards the end of the week which advised all of the Town Halls that work which had already been started in the areas affected by the new legislation could be continued,
but that all existing permits which had not yet been started
would have to be temporarily suspended.

The environmentalist group GEN (Group for the Study of Nature) claimed
there was strong evidence of wrong-doing in relation to the licenses
granted within San Juan.
They continued, saying the issuing of the licenses had not been done in the usual
and correct manner and that the Town Hall had a serious case to answer.
They said it was clear the licences had been rushed through
to avoid the pending legislation brought out several days later.

Their claims were backed up by the public prosecution service who announced on Thursday that an investigation would be launched into the matter.
They said they would be looking at documents from both the Consell and the Town Hall, and further enquiries would be made.

Meanwhile Mari Mari said he had had both a moral and legal obligation to issue the licenses as they had all fulfilled the very strict legislation of the area.
In reference to the two licenses issued within 24 hours, he said he had always
been taught his job as mayor was to serve the public in the most efficient way possible. This was the only reason the licenses were granted so quickly.

The president of the Association for Architects, Antoni Mari, admitted to receiving an "avalanche" of projects submitted for planning permission
since the recent changes to the Land Reforms.
All new building projects need to pass through the college of Architects for approval
before they can be subsequently presented to the Town Hall,
where permission is then either granted or denied.

The new legislation aims to restrict building in certain areas of the island.
Five zones will be completely protected including areas in Ibiza Town, San Joan
and San Antonio.
However, according to Mari, it seems to have had the opposite affect to that desired
and plans sent to the college for approval have tripled over the last five weeks.
There has also been a steep rise in "urgent" permissions being granted.
The college normally takes between one to two weeks to approve plans.
However, at an extra cost, there is the opportunity of having your plan approved
the same day.

100 (!!!) houses and more crap @ benirras :spank:


... even now it looks already terrible with that burnt down hill where all trees
were removed recently :(
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I'd be surprised if there were no protests.

Very Surprised.

11,000 people marched in protest back in 99 over the Cala Hort development which they succeeded in stopping.

Benirras is a step too far and is really taking the Pi#s
I'd be surprised if there were no protests.
they should do the same like people from corsica did (and still do)
with construction and with greedy bastids they don´t like to have on their island ...
they should do the same like people from corsica did (and still do)
with construction and with greedy bastids they don´t like to have on their island ...

mmm...But in Corsica they also bomb foreign's house if you don't pay the "special taxes"...
40 villas at benirras ?

**** that :spank: :spank:


... The opposition PSOE-Pacte considered "an atrocity" that are built 40 villas

The PSOE coalition Pact believes that
the construction of 40 villas in the area Benirràs
is "a savage" because they involve "the destruction of one of the last natural landmarks of the coast that remain virtually untouched."

Although the Consell intended to prevent the construction of apartment blocks under
(67 dwellings), the opposition group argues that "the president's policy, Vicent Serra,
is becoming the most devastating in recent history of our island
overcoming even Pere Palau. " ...

So they have announced a construction ban on all of those parts of the island listed, but also announced the allowance of 40 villas to be constructed up north in benirras? Seems counter productive...
There is clearly some very big bucks to be made being involved in politics on Ibiza. What would be the size of the backhander to get this sort of planning application pushed through?