Confirmed for PDB - 5th to the 12th September


So I've finally booked flights and I'll be arriving on the evening of the 5th.

No hotel booked as yet as this may be a last minute thing and if there are others out there looking to share I'm always open to that (it's much cheaper than paying £400 for a single room)

I know there'll be a few familiar faces around at the same time and have been in touch with a few from here already.


On a bit of a budget this year but never the less so far I'm thinking:

Thursday - Likely to Enter, never been and always wanted to go.
Friday - kind of an open one, Ocean Beach Club may be on the cards and / or possibly Space again for Clandestin
Saturday - Zoo Project / El Row. I've read many great things about both so wouldn't mind checking them out
Sunday - We Love
Monday - Likely to be ASOT
Tuesday - Dynamic Neon
Wednesday - Departures Closing

All of this is likely to change but that's an outlook thus far. A lot of it is in the PDB area but hey that's where the budget part comes in right :)

If you are around and want to meet up message me on here or add on FB at Nathan Thisforeversky Thompson.
You lucky bastard!
My girls are going there around late September. So jealous man...wish I could go back. Studying for my law school admissions test in October so I won't be able to make it :(
Next summer for sure!
Johnny - look out for a guy wearing a vest and likely with some form of hat on. There's very few occasions in life that I actually dont wear one but will be in DN certainly.

Diver - Let me know your plans closer to the time. There'll likely be one or two nights of similar interest.
So I've finally booked flights and I'll be arriving on the evening of the 5th.

No hotel booked as yet as this may be a last minute thing and if there are others out there looking to share I'm always open to that (it's much cheaper than paying £400 for a single room)

I know there'll be a few familiar faces around at the same time and have been in touch with a few from here already.


On a bit of a budget this year but never the less so far I'm thinking:

Thursday - Likely to Enter, never been and always wanted to go.
Friday - kind of an open one, Ocean Beach Club may be on the cards and / or possibly Space again for Clandestin
Saturday - Zoo Project / El Row. I've read many great things about both so wouldn't mind checking them out
Sunday - We Love
Monday - Likely to be ASOT
Tuesday - Dynamic Neon
Wednesday - Departures Closing

All of this is likely to change but that's an outlook thus far. A lot of it is in the PDB area but hey that's where the budget part comes in right :)

If you are around and want to meet up message me on here or add on FB at Nathan Thisforeversky Thompson.

Hey Nathan, Just sent you a message on here about accom.
Well Mr Raptorjones, you already know me from last year. Think me and Ash will be doing Space on the Sunday plus ASOT from your itinerary. Will be good to see ya back on the island :)
Been flying under the radar recently Hels, so much stuff going on. It'll be good to see you guys out there. No nights officially confirmed as yet, I may be easily convinced to go elsewhere. :L2I - seen your message, working on something at the minute and will let you know asap.
Time for a quick bump up on this thread.

Schedule looking like this.

Arriving Thursday evening, staying at Bali Beach Apts for the first 4 days with with 2 Swedish lads before moving over the Algarb for the last 3.
Might try and catch the back end of Loco Dice at Ushuaia before heading to Enter on the Thursday evening barring no flight delays etc.

The rest of the original plan more or less stays the same.
Friday is gonna be Music On at Amnesia
Saturday likely to be El Row although perhaps not Zoo
Sunday, We Love
Monday - change of plan to Cocoon
Tuesday - Dynamic Neon
Wednesday - Departures closing.

If I do manage to do all this I may be a few pounds worse off both financially and physically but hey that's what Ibiza is for right.

Planned to meet up with DeepSeaDiver and a few of the other "usual suspects" from last year. If you are around, shout up.
Raptor ur plan looks better than the old one..

ASOT suckxxxxxxx
Enter not good...
El row :yes

& for meetup i advice u to gather at a bar because in club i miss so many spotlights ..& pick an hour taking delay (+1-2 hours)

u should do a boat party :maybe Cirque de la nuit 59€ from 1 pm to 5 pm? go to Backtage bar on the left before Sankey & ask for the date & pay there (check the weather too, don't buy online, their website is not very comfy for buying tickets)..boat party is an Experience far FAr better than in clubs....

I did ASOT last year and enjoyed it but have never been to Cocoon. I've also seen Van Buuren more times than I care to remember so thought Sven Vath would be given priority this year.
I've heard a few sets from Enter and it seems like the dirty minimal stuff I'm into at the minute so will be checking that out when I arrive.

Boat Parties I'm a little hesitant on. I get motion sick very easy, even on the boat to Formentera last year I was a little bit ill so I may do one but only on the off chance :)
Right about french girl had seasick just the first 10mn (she was taken back to earth)..otherwise if boat not shaky Boat party is a thing i will do more next year.
For ASOT we can hear just the bass Boom-Boom...that's all it's why i get djs before Armin were better...Enjoy ur ibz trip..& get ur minds clear in ibz (very Big challenge :D)
ASOT was great but I agree with gparsons that the music the Djs before Armin played was better.

We were near the dj and we got blown away with smoke sprays from the ceiling. Aimed at the crowds. Like someone hosing you with a fire extinguisher. That was awesome!