computer repair / working in ibiza


New Member
Just a couple of quick q's about ibiza for anyone whos been there much.

I currently live in the US Virgin Island and a major issue here is that the island lifestyle causes alot of people to be very laid back. lazy. not show up to work on time or at all. etc etc. its hard to find good workers or reliable work. is this a similar issue on ibiza?

Also. I ran my own small computer repair business for a few years. Is this a skill that I would find needed on ibiza?

We certainly have our own pace here and Ibicencan time is commonly used. This means that you quote two weeks for a job and it takes a month, you say that you will arrive at two and you get there at two thirty, you stop your car in the middle of the main street to chat to a friend on the pavement holding up all the traffic behind you and nobody beeps their horn. If you come from a large city like me, it takes a while to get used to but it soon becomes the norm and part of the island charm.

There are plenty of places here where you can get a computer repaired but like all businesses in a laid back environment like this, if you can do it better than the bloke next door then you can take his business from him.