Common Sense Decision Prevails

Is it just me, or are we finally seeing more of this sort of ruling?

There was a similar instance not so long ago, again in Manchester I believe, where a homeowner and his kids were arrested on suspicion of murder to a member of a gang who broke into their property, and the case was thrown out. I think I'm also correct in saying that the rest of the gang are to be prosecuted for the break-in.

Reminds me a lot of that farmer Tony Martin who shot those travellers who were robbing him, killing one of them. A massive miscarriage of justice. From what I recall he had been targetted by thieves dozens of times, was widowed and had mental illness, yet got a jail term for defending his property. He even had a license for the weapon.

Can only imagine how terrified he must have been when those arseholes were ransacking his property. If only there had been more common sense at the time then?
Over the moon to see this outcome although in this case it was probably more to do with his age. Should be the case all of the time though.

If someone is killed as a result of them trying to break the law then it's their own fault and no punishment should be held against the person that was trying to defend themselves.

More and more decisions (correct ones) like this.

Its not a green light to have a Sarah Connor weapons storage by your bed at night, but does make you a bit more confiident if you had a go.

Like a mate of mine said "If some f$£ker is in my bedroom (as a trespasser) at 3 in the morning then he is meeting his maker"

The CPS are the ones with the decision to make and its not always up to a jury to decide in my eyes.
word has it that if he wouldve spent a day in prison,there wouldve been more unrest on the streets.