Coming to the end of my UK phone contract as I head out to Ibiza - what should I do?


New Member
Hi All,

My UK phone contract ends the week before i fly out to Ibiza to work for the summer.

I currently own a blackberry and have a few questions:

If I unlock my phone in the UK, can I use a Spanish sim card?

Is it best to get a pay as you go Spanish sim? Or is it an option to sign up for a 6 month Spanish contract?

Or are there any cheap UK deals that suit being overseas that anyone would recommend?

I'm not a big down-loader, just need to be contactable and have internet access to hand.

Thanks a lot!

6 weeks and 6 days to go....

Leah x
Internet - most bars have free wifi, you;ll soon pick up the codes
Contracts - never bother with one myself so couldnt say, some networks are miles cheaper than others, I used Yoigo last year and saved lots of money compared to Orange the year before. even if your english contract wasn't up I wouldn't advise using it, massively expensive over a long period of time
Spanish Sim - I have lots of friends who managed to use their English unlocked phone, you can also used english phones that have been blocked from use on any network in the UK, such as one you report stolen and mysteriously find after claiming on your insurance.
I'd get a pay monthly on yoigo. For 8euros a month you get unlimited Internet even if you spend your credit.i just used whatsapp all the time so only had to spend 8euro a month