Collapsed guy at Music On


New Member
I am looking to see if anyone has any info on the guy that collapsed at Music on last Friday?

Me and my girlfriend were dancing next to the boxes in the middle of the terrace at around 7.30 and a guy in his 20s collapsed on one of them. He wasn't breathing and the doormen managed to get him out. To be honest, it's really shook us up, I've seen things happen like this is clubs before but this seemed much more serious.

I really hope he's ok, if anyone knows anything, please let me know.
Last year I saw someone being dragged out of Amnesia fitting violently and foaming at the mouth. Shook me up also...
Well I hope the emergency services were called promptly and he was not just left to die outside???

they got a staffed first aid tent just outside amnesia and they've certainly called an ambulance immediately if they couldn't help the guy themselves. haven't heard anything about the story so far.
The doorman was definitely trying to help. He was screaming down his radio in a panic.

Just hope the guy was alright, hopefully no news is good news.
Seen this happen several times at clubs, few of those times in Ibiza

It also happened to me once! Majority of the time they will be fine, when it happened to me, I had been drinking booze most of the day and had bad sun stroke, the dehydration just got the better of me, was nothing to do with the drugs...

It also happens when someone takes a key of K, you can get wobbly and fall down, seen that happen too, best advice for that is either avoid K (horrible nasty stuff) or make sure you are sitting down somewhere, until it wears off!
Oh yeh, I know what you're saying.... But this was different, I've also seen it plenty of times in clubs. But this guy stopped breathing and was completely lifeless with his eyes wide open.
Had a similiar thing at Sankeys this year, came out and there was a bloke laying there on the floor completely rigid, with his eyes open but completely glazed over and foam coming out of his mouth. Bouncers and paramedics around him, his friends screamin and crying.

Seeing stuff like that can really shake you up.
No matter how much stuff we had done that night or how much we had drunk, we all just felt instantly cold and sober watching that.
Yeh, we had exactly the same thing. We was having such a good night and I was on a real nice level if u know what I mean, then after seeing that just felt completely sober.
... We was having such a good night and I was on a real nice level if u know what I mean, then after seeing that just felt completely sober.
that feeling reminds me of back in the day when space´s sunsetterrace closed at midnight ... and you went in that empty big shitroom called discoteca ...
Only normally see stuff like that in London. Amazes me how far people push their bodies.

I remember a few years ago, seeing 3 what I suspect was GHB overdoses in a night. Proper ruined the night.

I'm not anti-drugs at all (far from it...), but stuff with such a small threshold between pleasurable and near death I just don't get
Many years ago at Manumission i found a girl fitting on the floor just outside the shop in Privilege and her boyfriend was completely off his nut and panicking. He was claiming that she was diabetic and hadn't taken any drugs so i put her in the recovery position, pulled her tongue out her throat (naughty i know) and then security turned up and she was looked after. I then went on to get so mashed myself that i thought i had imagined it the next day :cool:
We saw a girl get off the water taxi in san ann 2012,she was haveing the worst come down ive ever seen in my life,i kid you not she was the walking dead.I still think about her from time to time because if she survived that day ill be surprised,really shook me up for a couple of days.Bless
Maybe it's just an age thing now but I def prefer to rave safe these days, gone are the days I (we, friends etc) would take 4 or 5 pills over the course of a night in a club and then more at a house party afterwards. A wee half here and there to get a nice buzz on and I'm happy with that these days.