Colin Firth


Well-Known Member
Colin Firth this.

Colin Firth that.

It's getting on my wick.

If he plays his equity cards right and does a bit of charity work then maybe he will be awarded a CBE.
Colin Firth this.

Colin Firth that.

It's getting on my wick.

If he plays his equity cards right and does a bit of charity work then maybe he will be awarded a CBE.

If you think its bad now.....wait until he receives his Oscar for best actor on Sunday. He will be on every media medium form here to Timbuktu :)
Is he really fit and I'm missing something with my weird tastes?

My Mom loves him, a few of my friends love him....I don't get it. He just seems to scowls a lot.

(I have only seen 2 of his films so my opinion isn't really based on anything solid)
I think he is a good actor and a good performance in The Kings Speech but is the film really that as brilliant that it should win award after award. I have to say it was okay but nowhere near the best thing I've seen this year. It just goes to show that royalty still has pull, still can't believe Zara Philips won Sports Personality of the Year.
I think he is a good actor and a good performance in The Kings Speech but is the film really that as brilliant that it should win award after award. I have to say it was okay but nowhere near the best thing I've seen this year. It just goes to show that royalty still has pull, still can't believe Zara Philips won Sports Personality of the Year.

I have to agree - I saw it the other night, it was good but not THAT good, Ive seen better. I have to say it has great acting though - from him and the speech coach. He probably deserves the awards. I mean how hard must it have been to film with a fake stutter?