

Well-Known Member
I hate them. Big project release this week, and I have Friday off.

Low and behold, last night a cold hit me. Hard :(
I hate them. Big project release this week, and I have Friday off.

Low and behold, last night a cold hit me. Hard :(

Weekend report - got up 7am Fri, went to be Sat 11pm - a little run down this week perchance?:lol:

(Not judging btw, my weekend used to be much the same, if not 'worse')
Start taking cod liver oil capsules. I very, very rarely get a cold since I started taking them and when I do, it's mild.
Weekend report - got up 7am Fri, went to be Sat 11pm - a little run down this week perchance?:lol:

(Not judging btw, my weekend used to be much the same, if not 'worse')

I'm guessing that. My flatmate has a cold, and we shared a redbull friday night. I assuming I caught it off him and it's just wrecked me much worse than it did with me. Normally though on weekends like that, I'm not normally too bad.
Have been teetering on the edge of something flu-like all week.

Whatever it is I wish it would just bite, get it over with and pi$$ off out of my body. :x
Have been teetering on the edge of something flu-like all week.

Whatever it is I wish it would just bite, get it over with and pi$$ off out of my body. :x

Gave 2 clients a workshop at the end of last month and they pretty much coughed in my face for 6 hours.. went down with a horror of a flu-like thing a couple of days later which was so bad I actually woke up asleep in my car a service station car park arounf 5pm trying to get home from a meeting in London .. had passed out with a temperature. It took me over 3 weeks to shift the darned thing - just wouldn't budge. The bender in Berlin with many drinks is what finally shifted it - think the alcohol sterilised everything there is of me :lol:.
Update: It's turned in to a chest infection... I'm meant to be going out tonight! Damnit!
Update: It's turned in to a chest infection... I'm meant to be going out tonight! Damnit!
Oh, I hate it when it moves down into your chest.
As a smoker, that's a guaranteed 2-3 weeks of coughing, even when effects of the cold itself are gone. :evil:

Best to stay in tonight, mate. Perch yourself on the sofa with a warm blanket, hot tea and a movie!
Also teetering on the edge of a self-inflicted cold. A week of celebrations for Jon's 30th has brought my immune system down, trying to fight it off at the moment with lots of Vit B and vegetables.