Cocoon in the park


New Member
Is anybody heading to this next Saturday in Leeds?

Sven, Villalobos & Loco Dice are headlining with Adam Shelton doing the warm-up

Im pretty fricking excited about it!! :D
I unfortunatley missed last year as i was off to ibiza the week after and needed to save the dosh!

Did you go? I'd heard that Sven was so ****ed at the after-party at Mint he couldn't play and Luciano had to take over haha! :lol:
Yes, last year was fab! I cant wait for this year - i hope the weather holds 8)

Im also hoping the success hasnt gone to their heads this year cos it seems like there will be thousands more going, and it was quite a small site, only one stage... i hope theyve prepared for more people!

I didnt go to Mint, but had heard that about Sven, im glad i didnt go tbh - i went to Mint earlier this year for a Sven night and the place just isnt geared for that many people, we queued for at least 2 and 1/2 hours to get in, and the soundsystem im convinced has left me with lasting hearing damage!!!
haha yep i went to mint lounge to see Villalobos a few months back and the sound system was ear-shatteringly loud!! It was absolutley heaving as well but i enjoyed the lighting in there etc!

Ahh well not long to go now, not to sure i'll make it to the afer-party, depends how bolloxed i am obviously!!
Im going to make the most of the daytime ;) and avoid tinnitus at Mint :lol: Have you seen any set times anywhere yet? Im sure i read somewhere that they were going to release them... but cant remember where
I'd heard that Sven was so ****ed at the after-party at Mint he couldn't play and Luciano had to take over haha! :lol:

Apparently he collapsed towards the end of his set and had to be carried out of the club on a stretcher by paramedics...

Respect! :twisted:
me!!!!!!!!!!!!! cant wait! 20min taxi ride from my place.......perfect. defo not going to Mint as it will be so full you wont be able to move so just gona carry the party on at home! good times ahead.......:D
4 of us coming up from by Liverpool for this, cant wait!! stayin in the trav lodge right next to mint for 2 nights to make a weekend out of it. Didnt go last year. Fingers crossed for the weather to be nice though. Got a feeling it will be!
Yep, mea and about 15 friends coming from Middlesbrough.

If its half as good as last year it will be an awesome day!!
Forecasts saying its going to piss down all day and night in Leeds on Saturday. Only Tuesday so could change but ill be gutted if this is the case. Its going to be hard to enjoy an open air festival in pissing down rain
Forecasts saying its going to piss down all day and night in Leeds on Saturday. Only Tuesday so could change but ill be gutted if this is the case. Its going to be hard to enjoy an open air festival in pissing down rain

Have faith! But yeah you're right. Definitely picking up afterparty tickets if it's raining
Forecasts saying its going to piss down all day and night in Leeds on Saturday. Only Tuesday so could change but ill be gutted if this is the case. Its going to be hard to enjoy an open air festival in pissing down rain
Isn't torrential rainfall a strict legal requirement for all outdoor music festivals in the UK?
Kind of like proper policing, noise levels, controlled access, and substance control.
Oh, and there should be lots of mud.
(this opinion based solely on hearsay and various bits of photo and video evidence)
Isn't torrential rainfall a strict legal requirement for all outdoor music festivals in the UK?
Kind of like proper policing, noise levels, controlled access, and substance control.
Oh, and there should be lots of mud.
(this opinion based solely on hearsay and various bits of photo and video evidence)

...and three consecutive dry Glastos?

I've not been rained out of a festival for a fair few years now*. *TOUCH WOOD.

Thank goodness I wasn't at Bestival 2008 or Glasto 2007.
From dozens of festivals over the years, never been rained on. Have been sodden many times in Ibiza though :confused:

Five miles away from Temple Newsham it is very windy right now, very dark but so far no rain.
Was very tempted to do Cocoon in the Park but with the train costs and getting back on Sunday for work on Monday it seemed like a bit too much effort.

Plus we have Zip, Tiefschwarz and Jamie Jones at Fabric on the 10th (£10 entry with student card) :) So that coupled with rain makes me think I've the right choice.

Next year definitely want to make it though and I really hope it doesn't rain.. Would be quite gutted for my friends.. Also if it pisses down and flops then perhaps there won't be one next year which would also suck.
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