Club tours?

Colonel Kurtz

New Member
Don't know if these ever happen or if there would be a market for it, but are the clubs missing a trick by not offering tours during the day, perhaps once a week like sports staduiums do. I could see how they would be good, you would get a totally different idea of the place and they could include behind the scenes etc and see all aspects of the place.
actually a bad idea... :confused:

did you ever go to a club (not talking about stuff like dc10 or es paradis) in broad daylight ?
some years ago a friend thought it might be a good idea to do some fashion-shoots ...
... in some very well-known ibiza-clubs ... but gave in after seeing 3 clubs with lights on.
not much is looking more shabby than a club in bright light :eek: :eek:

besides a club is loosing all it´s mystery when you can walk around sighseeing-tour-style :idea:
actually a bad idea... :confused:

did you ever go to a club (not talking about stuff like dc10 or es paradis) in broad daylight ?
some years ago a friend thought it might be a good idea to do some fashion-shoots ...
... in some very well-known ibiza-clubs ... but gave in after seeing 3 clubs with lights on.
not much is looking more shabby than a club in bright light :eek: :eek:

besides a club is loosing all it´s mystery when you can walk around sighseeing-tour-style :idea:

Bad idea; Goes along the lines that you think you are dancing with a 10 the lights come on and you just want to get away.
Very bad idea.I was in Es paradis years ago one afternoon with a friend who was doing some work for them and its like something they get married in on My Big fat Gypsy wedding..
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What about an open decks afternoon once / twice a week at certain clubs? (Doesn't have to be just in Ibiza)

Bring down a couple of your mates, pay a few quid (or however much) for a half hour spin on a nightclub sound system. Not quite as amazing as playing to a club at capacity, but there is something about being able to blast your music out stupidly loud :lol:
I seen in the past some of the clubs sometimes open their doors in the day for childrens disco, I seen Amnesia do this a couple of times.. wonder what music they play, and if they sound system is fully cranked up! LOL imagine bob the builder through that system!! Also, that ice cannon going off would knock toddlers to the ground, like bowling skittle haha
What about an open decks afternoon once / twice a week at certain clubs? (Doesn't have to be just in Ibiza)

Bring down a couple of your mates, pay a few quid (or however much) for a half hour spin on a nightclub sound system. Not quite as amazing as playing to a club at capacity, but there is something about being able to blast your music out stupidly loud :lol:

Do you really think clubs would allow anybody to rock up with badly downloaded music and blast it out on their 10's of thousand pound sound system? I know I wouldn't
Do you really think clubs would allow anybody to rock up with badly downloaded music and blast it out on their 10's of thousand pound sound system? I know I wouldn't

Ministry of sound used to do a tour where you could take your own tunes and play in each room
What about an open decks afternoon once / twice a week at certain clubs? (Doesn't have to be just in Ibiza)

Bring down a couple of your mates, pay a few quid (or however much) for a half hour spin on a nightclub sound system. Not quite as amazing as playing to a club at capacity, but there is something about being able to blast your music out stupidly loud :lol:

That would be like karaoke for DJ's; I would give it a miss because it is a bad idea.
You keep someone with said DJs to make sure they don't abuse the system (Or just turn it down more than usual at one of the amps / pre-amps, to ensure the speakers couldn't be damaged).

I know most clubs wouldn't be interested, but it wouldn't be a bad way for them to make a bit of extra cash during the day. And if the DJs are crap...then they only upset their friends :lol:
Rather than turn away punters (most of which don't notice bad mixing anyway)